In Pesaro, a sculpture that looks at the sea: the work of Matteo Fato.

For Pesaro 2024, Matteo Fato presents his intervention dedicated to District 9 of the Marche city: a sculpture that looks at the sea.

On August 27, Pesaro 2024 inaugurated Between the Sea Cliffs and in the Library, the tenth episode of the project From Sculptures in the City to the Art of Communities curated by Marcello Smarrelli, which involves the 12 Neighborhoods and the Monteciccardo City Hall and questions the role of art in public space. For the occasion, Matteo Fato presents his intervention An equestrian fable without a ride (Caretta Caretta), dedicated to Neighborhood 9 - Soria - Tombaccia, curated by Simone Ciglia. A double inauguration is also scheduled in two symbolic ’places’ of Baia Flaminia: the ’Louis Braille’ Library and the rocks in front of the Rosa dei Venti Pier.

The project conceived by Matteo Fato synthesizes the two principles of the Pesaro 2024 dossier - nature and culture - and consists of two components. The first is a bronze sculpture on Majella stone plinth dedicated to the sea turtle, placed on the rocks facing the Rosa dei Venti Pier. Produced through collaboration with the School of Sculpture of the Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino with the technical support of Nicolas Demetriou, the work is part of the Turtle Oasis, a project to safeguard the marine and coastal habitat of San Bartolo Park for the recovery of sea turtles. The animal is depicted in a bronze sculpture on a marble plinth. The turtle is depicted alongside a self-portrait of the artist; man and animal are thus on the same plane. In the second intervention, Fato has created a series of “tactile paintings” in collaboration with the Louis Braille Library, a cultural institution that stands out for its vocation for inclusion thanks to its rich heritage of books and multimedia tools for people with visual impairments. The artist decided to transpose this particular publishing format into the pictorial sphere, creating five “to touch” paintings that accompany a fable dedicated to the turtle. The canvases will be available to the library’s public to be experienced not only visually but also tactilely.

Notes on the artist

Matteo Fato was born in Pescara in 1979, where he currently lives and works. He has participated in numerous exhibitions in private galleries and public museums in Italy and abroad. In 2012 he completed a residency at the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art (Paris), with the solo exhibition Vidéos_Dessins, and participation in the exhibition La collection Giuliana et Tommaso Setari, retour à l’intime (La maison rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert). In 2015 he had a solo exhibition entitled (SECRéTA) at TRA (Treviso Ricerca Arte); in July 2017 he took part in the OPEN20 exhibition in the Mostyn Museum in Wales. He has received several awards including the Level 0 - ArtVerona prize (2013), as an artist selected by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio for the Gamec Museum, (Bergamo); the City of Treviglio Prize (2012); the Terna Prize (2014); the Cramum Prize (2016); the Be the difference... with art! Prize, Bassano del Grappa (2019); and recently the ERMANNO CASOLI PREMIO XVIII, Fondazione Ermanno Casoli, Fabriano (2020). In 2008 he was invited in residence at the Fondazione Spinola Banna (Turin).

In 2010 he was selected by the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art as Italian artist in residence at ArtOmi (New York). In 2015 he was in residence for two months at the Nordic Artists’ Centre Dalsåsen (NKD) in Norway. In 2016 he participated in the 16th Quadriennale d’Arte at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome. In March 2018 he opened a solo show entitled Eresia (del) Florilegio at the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche (Palazzo Ducale, Urbino); in April of the same year he held a double solo show together with Nicola Samorì at Casa Testori (Milan). In May 2019 he opened a solo exhibition entitled Il presentimento di atre possibilità at the Museo Studio Francesco Messina in Milan; while in June of the same year he opened a solo exhibition entitled Scena Notturna sul Mare at the Centro Arti Visive Pescheria (Pesaro). In September 2020 he participated in the event Una Boccata d’Arte (Fondazione Elpis & Galleria Continua) with the project Fiamma d’Amore Viva (Fortezza di Acquaviva Picena); in 2022 he participated in PANORAMA, curated by Vincenzo De Bellis, with a solo project at the Church of S. Giovanni, Monopoli; in 2023 he opened the solo exhibition L’unica immagine possibile (d’après un Florilegio) (curated by Simone Ciglia at the Musei Civici di Pesaro). His work can be found in numerous private and public collections in Italy and abroad. From 2009 to the present, he has been a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino.

In Pesaro, a sculpture that looks at the sea: the work of Matteo Fato.
In Pesaro, a sculpture that looks at the sea: the work of Matteo Fato.

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