Important painting by Salvator Rosa stolen from Oxford in 2020 recovered in Romania

An important painting by Salvator Rosa stolen in 2020 from the Christ Church Picture Gallery in Oxford along with a masterpiece by Annibale Carracci and a significant work by Van Dyck has been recovered in Romania, in a theft worth about 10 million euros. Now police hope to find the other two works as well.

An important painting by Salvator Rosa, the Coastal Landscape with Soldiers which, along with two other masterpieces, namely Annibale Carracci’s Boy Drinking and Antoon van Dyck’s Soldier on Horseback , had been stolen in March 2020 from the Christ Church Picture Gallery in Oxford, has been found and recovered from Romania . A theft worth about 10 million euros, given the importance of the works.

Romanian police, BBC reports, were contacted by a man who was in possession of the Rosa painting and had sold the other two artworks within the country. The man reportedly chose to return the Salvator Rosa painting, a work from the 1740s, to the authorities. The BBC reports that the man has not been arrested. The painting was recovered in Bucharest last month by the gallery’s conservator, Jacqueline Thalmann, but the news was only released a few hours ago. “The missing paintings,” Thalmann said, “have been on public display since 1768, so it is crucial to recover them so that they can be enjoyed and studied by all once again. Not only are the paintings a significant part of our collection, but their significance to our British and European culture is invaluable. To have regained the first painting is an excellent sign. It was pleasing to see that it was in good condition. After four years of absence, it is back and has not suffered any loss. It is still in good condition.”

British police are currently working in cooperation with Eurojust and Europol to gather more information, including forensic analysis, that could lead to the discovery of the other two works. According to investigators, significant information was obtained from the recovered painting that now needs to be analyzed. Authorities are optimistic, however, that this information may provide police with some lines of investigation. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the missing artwork is urged to contact the police.

Salvator Rosa, Coastal Landscape with Soldiers (ca. 1640-1650; oil on canvas, 75.2 x 61 cm; Oxford, Christ Church Picture Gallery)
Salvator Rosa, Coastal Landscape with Soldiers (ca. 1640-1650; oil on canvas, 75.2 x 61 cm; Oxford, Christ Church Picture Gallery)

Important painting by Salvator Rosa stolen from Oxford in 2020 recovered in Romania
Important painting by Salvator Rosa stolen from Oxford in 2020 recovered in Romania

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