ICOM takes a stand on the Israel-Hamas war. But the statement will disappoint many

ICOM, the world's leading body on museums, almost 20 days after the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas finally takes a stand, urged by Israeli museum directors. But the brief communiqué will disappoint many: in fact, it contains no words of condemnation against Hamas.

ICOM, theInternational Council of Museums, has finally taken a stand on the war between Israel and Hamas. However, it is to be expected that the brief communiqué issued this afternoon will cause discussion, because the few lines issued by the body representing museums around the world contain no words of condemnation against Hamas, despite the fact that a few days ago the Israeli committee of theICOM and the country’s museum directors had appealed to the international body precisely to ask it to condemn the terrorist organization responsible for the Oct. 7 massacre that defused the conflict.

ICOM “expresses its deep concern about the current violence affecting Israeli and Palestinian civilians and deplores the significant humanitarian consequences that the conflict has had in recent weeks,” the note reads. “ICOM extends its sincerest condolences to those who have lost family, friends and community as a result of the violence.”

“ICOM,” the statement then continues, “remains firmly committed to preserving cultural heritage and recalls the imperative of all parties to respect international law and conventions, including the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two protocols. ICOM also warns of the potential increase in smuggling and destruction of cultural property due to the conflict in the affected region and recalls international legal obligations to prevent the illicit import, export and transfer of cultural property, such as the 1970 UNESCO Convention. and the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention. ICOM therefore expects an immediate ceasefire in accordance with international humanitarian law in order to prevent further loss of life and safeguard cultural heritage-which is essential to our collective humanity-and reaffirms its commitment to the principles of peace, understanding and unity through the preservation and protection of cultural heritage.”

Israeli museum directors of the rest had already let it be known that their employees are acting in accordance with ICOM standards to safeguard the objects stored in their institutions. They had expected firmer condemnation, but that has yet to come.

Pictured: the Museum of Art in Haifa. Photo: Wikimedia/Talmoryair

ICOM takes a stand on the Israel-Hamas war. But the statement will disappoint many
ICOM takes a stand on the Israel-Hamas war. But the statement will disappoint many

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