It is titled The Cinema Doesn’t Stop the first episodic docufilm made entirely using home sets and smartphones. The first clapperboard was struck on April 2.The docufilm is a charity project, the proceeds of which will go to the Civil Defense, to show that, despite the fact that the coronavirus emergency has brought film sets and productions to a standstill, the workers and professionals of the film world are not standing still.
The film is a comedy that, using the tragicomic and surreal potential of the situation imposed by the global health emergency as a cue, hilariously tells that life goes on. “When we found ourselves in quarantine, with sets and productions closed, I thought that we film people should react, and that we should do it our way: by making a film,” says producer Ruggero De Virgiliis. “So the idea of turning the new rules of life into a different way of thinking and making a film was born, to reiterate that cinema does not stop.”
To the project The Cinema Doesn’t Stop, all participants contribute free of charge: in fact, they have provided their skills and professionalism for charity. Four weeks of filming, 7 episodes of comedy genre, one common thread: flashes of daily life during the emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Homemade sets, props reduced to a minimum, no camera operators (it is the actors themselves, aided by family members, who film themselves using smartphones and webcams), a director (by Marco Serafini) operating remotely using videoconferencing systems, a pool of scriptwriters among the best in Italy, led by Stefano Piani. Among the performers who immediately joined the project are Nicolas Vaporidis, Kaspar Capparoni, Remo Girone, Margot Sikabonyi, Karin Proia, Paola Lavini, and Augusto Zucchi, but many others are joining the project from day to day.
“We immediately espoused the cause, fascinated on the one hand by the technological challenge in the realization of the project, and on the other hand by the challenge of being able to turn film rights into donations for the benefit of all those who today risk their lives to save ours,” says producer Marco Perotti. “So we decided to bring innovation to the sector by introducing Project and Program Management tools and Blockchain technology for the transfer of licenses against a donation equal to the price of the right made directly to the Civil Defense.”
“The idea,” says Daniele Fioretti, producer at DeltaDue Media, “was to tell the story of the lives of Italian families, in this period of health emergency, using the means at home. ”We set up a workflow that would allow us to remotely manage and upload the newly shot files to a server, from which the pool of editors could start working. We don’t presume to reach the quality standards of a regular film set, but while waiting to get back to working under normal conditions, we have been ingenious about not standing still and helping those less fortunate than us."
Cinema Doesn’t Stand Still is produced by Daniele Fioretti and Daniele Muscolo’s DeltaDue Media Srl, together with Marco Perotti’s Coevolutions, and will be available from late April.
Pictured: footage from the film.
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Here's The Cinema Doesn't Stop, the first film shot during the coronavirus, starring Girone, Vaporidis, Capparoni and others |
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