Here are all the resources for culture (8 billion) in the new Recovery Plan draft

The new draft of the Recovery Plan, under discussion at the council of ministers today, calls for 8 billion euros in investments in culture and tourism. Here is the breakdown.

The Council of Ministers is likely to discuss today the new draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR, the so-called “Recovery Plan”) with which Italy will distribute Next Generation EU funds (the “Recovery Fund”). For Italy, the plan provides 221.5 billion (191.5 billion are from Next Generation EU and the remaining 30 come from the complementary funds: the main difference lies in the fact that for the complementary 30 billion there is no reporting obligation to Brussels and there is a possibility of longer deadlines than 2026), divided into six missions: 1. Digitalization, innovation, competitiveness and culture; 2. Green revolution and ecological transition; 3. Infrastructure for sustainable mobility; 4. Education and research; 5. Inclusion and cohesion; and 6. Health. This is presumably the last draft; in fact, Italy must submit the plan to the European Union by April 30. In turn, the six missions are divided into sixteen components.

The plan has two key objectives, the presentation of the draft says: “to repair the economic and social damage of the pandemic crisis” and “to help address the structural weaknesses of the Italian economy,” which is characterized by “wide and persistent territorial gaps,” “a low rate of female labor market participation,” “weak productivity growth,” and “delays in the adjustment of technical skills, education and research.” As for culture, investments are shared with the tourism sector: the goal is the “revitalization of tourism and culture sectors through a digital and sustainable approach (ensuring better access and exploitation of cultural and tourist sites).”

The funds for culture remain more or less unchanged from the last draft: it is 6.08 billion for component 3, “Tourism and Culture 4.0” (which is part of mission 1, “Digitization, Innovation, Competitiveness and Culture,” with a complssive value of 42.55 billion), to which 2 billion of the complementary funds will be added. Here are all the investments below.

1. Cultural Heritage for the Next Generation: 1.10 billion
1.1 Digital platforms and strategies for access to cultural heritage, 500 million
1.2 Removing physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to enable wider access and participation in culture, 300 million
1.3 Improving the energy efficiency of cinemas, theaters and museums, 300 million

Cultural regeneration of small tourist and cultural sites, rural areas and urban peripheries, 2.42 billion
2.1 Attraction of small historic towns, 1.02 billion
2.2 Protection and enhancement of rural architecture and landscape, 600 million
2.3 Programs to enhance the identity of places, historic parks and gardens, participatory regeneration of urban peripheries, 300 million
2.4 Seismic safety in places of worship and restoration of FEC heritage, 500 million

3. Cultural and creative industry 4.0: 160 million
3.1 Capacity building of cultural operators to manage digital and green transition, 160 million

4. Tourism 4.0: 2.40 billion
4.1 Digital Tourism Hub, 100 million
4.2 Policy support tools for tourism, 1.80 billion
4.3 Caput Mundi. Next Generation EU for major tourism events, 500 million

To these resources are added those of the complementary fund: 1.76 billion for “Plan for strategic investments on cultural heritage sites, buildings and natural areas” and 300 million for “Strengthening a strategic production hub for the film industry (Cinecittà).”

There are notable differences from the last breakdown. In the previous draft, the 8 billion was divided into 2.7 billion for “Cultural heritage for the EU Next Generation” (1.1 billion for Strengthening the strategic plan major cultural tourism attractions, 500 million for Digital platforms and strategies for access to cultural heritage, 300 million for Improving physical accessibility, 500 million for Caput Mundi. Interventions on Rome’s Artistic and Cultural Heritage and 300 million for Film Industry Development - Cinecittà Project), 2.4 billion for “Minor Sites, Rural Areas and Suburbs” (1 billion for National Plan Boroughs, 500 million for Historic Rural Heritage, 400 million for Program Identity Places, Suburbs, Historic Parks and Gardens, 500 million for Earthquake Safety of Places of Worship and Restoration of FEC Heritage) and 2.9 billion for “Tourism and Culture 4.0” (400 million for Culture 4.0: Tourism Training and Initiatives for Cultural Dissemination in Schools, 500 million for Supporting Cultural Operators in the Green and Digital Transition, 1.5 billion for Improvement of Hospitality Infrastructure and Tourism Services, 500 million for the “Paths in History” Program - Slow Tourism).

Here are all the resources for culture (8 billion) in the new Recovery Plan draft
Here are all the resources for culture (8 billion) in the new Recovery Plan draft

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