Hamburg, two creatives find ways to keep people at home: posters with TV series spoilers

Two young Thai creatives living and working in Hamburg, Seine Kongruangkit and Matithorn Prachuabmoh Chaimoungkalo, have come up with a particularly original system to keep people at home and instill compliance with the restrictive measures: huge posters with spoilers (i.e., previews of endings) of popular TV series. “Social distancing,” Seine Kongruangkit explains on his website, “helps dramatically reduce the spread of Covid-19. That’s why the #StateInTheFuckHome [#StayTheFuckHome in original ed.] campaign exists. But some people think it’s okay to get out and go for a walk. Insight: people try hard to avoid spoilers of their favorite TV series. Idea: we discourage people from going out by hanging posters full of spoilers of Netflix original series in gathering places. Then we warn people about spoilers at bus stops or train stations, so maybe they think twice before moving.”

Among the TV series whose endings Kongruangkit and Chaimoungkalo are revealing are some of the audience’s most beloved titles, such as Narcos, Stranger Things, and Love is Blind. Of course, at the moment the idea of the two creatives stationed in the German city has not yet found a real application (although many newspapers and blogs that broke the news thought the posters had really been hung in the streets of Hamburg): it has remained only on the level of ideas. And it is in no way associated with Netflix. The insight of the two was so successful, however, that Kongruangkit and Chaimoungkalo were even interviewed by Forbes: the idea, they recounted, originated in Thailand, where the government would not do enough to explain what the dangers of the pandemic are. “So,” Chaimoungkalo said, “we decided to help out by doing what we do best: coming up with creative ideas.” Chaimoungkalo also let it be known that Netflix would reject the proposal from the two, who in any case did not come up with it with the intent of finding someone who could implement it, but if anything to help communicate the dangers of the coronavirus.

The mock campaign was launched in late March and has already made the rounds on social media. The two creators are very young rookie creatives: Seine Kongruangkit, after studying at Bangkok University where he graduated in 2017 with a degree in Communication Design, studied six months Art and Technology at Aalborg University in Denmark and is currently enrolled in the final year of Miami Ad School Europe’s art director program. His working career began in 2018. Matithorn Prachuabmoh Chaimoungkalo is a fellow student of his at Miami Ad School Europe.

Hamburg, two creatives find ways to keep people at home: posters with TV series spoilers
Hamburg, two creatives find ways to keep people at home: posters with TV series spoilers

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