Guido Castelli is the new commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in central Italy

Guido Castelli is the new Commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in central Italy. He was mayor of Ascoli Piceno from 2009 to 2019.

A note from Palazzo Chigi announces that the new Commissioner for the 2016 post-earthquake reconstruction of central Italy has been appointed: he is Senator Guido Castelli, former mayor of Ascoli Piceno from 2009 to 2019.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni signed the Dpcm for his appointment. Castelli succeeds Giovanni Legnini.

The government wishes the new commissioner “the best of luck in this challenging task, for which his experience as an administrator and his knowledge of the territory will be invaluable,” reads a note, and "thanks the outgoing Commissioner Hon. Giovanni Legnini, who retains the powers of Commissioner for Ischia, for his work so far."

“I have learned of the government’s decision to appoint Senator Guido Castelli as extraordinary commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in the four regions of central Italy. I wish him well in his work, along with my full willingness to facilitate an orderly handover,” commented outgoing Commissioner Giovanni Legnini. "I exercised the commissioner function for 34 months with total dedication, passion and impartiality, always keeping in mind the suffering of the people and businesses affected by the 2016-2017 earthquakes. Their rights and the duty of the institutions to help restore normal living conditions to the communities of the Central Apennines, in beautiful but wounded territories, with the aim of improving them in the name of safety and sustainability, have been the deepest motivation for my commitment."

Guido Castelli is the new commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in central Italy
Guido Castelli is the new commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in central Italy

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