Genova Antiquaria, success between art and solidarity at Palazzo della Meridiana

More than 1,400 visitors for the first edition of the exhibition-market. Raised more than 7,600 euros for Arkè Odv, an association that provides free dental care to children in need. Exhibitors from all over Italy brought masterpieces from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Genova Antiquaria exceeded expectations, transforming Palazzo della Meridiana into a meeting point of history, culture and solidarity. The first edition of the market-exhibition, held Feb. 21-26, recorded 1,488 admissions and raised 7,624 euros, entirely donated to theArkè Odv Association, a reality that has been providing free dental care to children in need since 2000. Numbers that attest to the success of an initiative that has managed to combine the charm of antiques with an important social objective. During the six days it was open, the event attracted the Ligurian public and also enthusiasts and collectors from all over northern Italy. From splendid medieval gold backgrounds to Renaissance paintings to period furniture and collectibles, each booth offered a window into different eras and styles, testifying to the priceless cultural heritage of our country. The event was organized by theAssociazione Amici di Palazzo della Meridiana APS, under the patronage of the Liguria Region, the City of Genoa and the Genoa Chamber of Commerce, and with the support of Banca Passadore & C. The context that hosted the event played a key role in the success of the show. Palazzo della Meridiana, one of the jewels of the Rolli and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, provided an evocative backdrop for the antique dealers’ stands, creating a dialogue between past and present, between art and historic architecture.

Among the exhibitors who made this first edition unique were prominent names in antiques and collectibles. Antichità La Pieve fascinated visitors with a selection of works ranging from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, while Galleria Arte Casa offered paintings by artists such as Angelo Costa and Sexto Canegallo. Bonanomi Antiquariato presented a collection of fine furniture and paintings of great value, while Borgobooks offered a review of rare books, sculptures and works on paper with a strong historical value. Capozzi Antichità brought attention back to Savona majolica and Ligurian painting, while Goldfinch Fine Arts brought to Genoa a selection of canvases made between the 16th and 18th centuries. Rounding out the exhibition scene, Creatini&Landriani Gallery, Line-A Gallery, MR Antiquities, Signorina Maccabei Déco and Rétro , and Vivioli Arte Antica offered a wide variety of sculpture, historical design, decorative art, and unique pieces covering a time span from the 15th to the 20th century. The balance of this zero edition leaves room for new perspectives. The Friends of Palazzo della Meridiana APS Association has already announced that new projects are in the works to further enhance the palace as a center for art and culture.

A room in the Sundial Palace
A room in the Palazzo della Meridiana

“Genova Antiquaria was much more than an exhibition,” says Davide Viziano, president of the Associazione Amici di Palazzo della Meridiana APS, “it was a journey inside beauty, an opportunity to rediscover the value of collecting and restoration, to bring art and its transformative power back to the center of attention. Seeing Palazzo della Meridiana enlivened by extraordinary exhibitors and such a participatory audience was exciting. Art builds bridges, tells stories and, as in this case, helps concretely: the contribution raised for Arkè is a tangible sign that culture can have a real impact on the community.”

“An important goal,” comment Luca Vivioli, Alberto Capozzi and Tito Pelizza, the three antiquarian promoters of the event, “not taken for granted achieved with the professionalism and experience that has always distinguished the world of Genoese antiques. The results achieved make us look forward to next year with confidence.”

Genova Antiquaria, success between art and solidarity at Palazzo della Meridiana
Genova Antiquaria, success between art and solidarity at Palazzo della Meridiana

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