Comedian and actor Luca Bizzarri will no longer be the president of Genoa’s Palazzo Ducale Foundation. In fact, Bizzarri was not confirmed on the Foundation’s board of directors (which has three members appointed by the City and two by the Liguria Region), and his failure to serve on the board prevents him from being re-elected president. Taking his place is Beppe Costa, president of Costa Edutainment, the entity that manages the Genoa Aquarium, and Opera Laboratori Fiorentini. Bizzarri’s tenure thus ends after five years, and he made the municipality’s decision known in a lengthy Facebook post.
“I have just been called by Mayor Bucci,” Bizzarri wrote early yesterday afternoon, “to inform me that the CDA of Palazzo Ducale has been reformed and that I will no longer be part of it. The mayor wanted to thank me for the work I have done, and I return the thanks for the opportunity given to me by him, by Giovanni Toti, but above all by the person who really wanted me there: Ilaria Cavo, without her nothing would have happened. Thank you very much, Ilaria, and good luck.”
Bizzarri then wished to thank director Serena Bertolucci, with whom there has been a fruitful relationship of sincere mutual esteem over the years, but he also took the opportunity to take a few pebbles off his shoe towards his detractors: “As for the reason for the change, having established the fact that excellent and unhoped-for results have been achieved in these very complicated years, I have been given a speech about how precarious we all are in this world, a speech that I will take to heart when I have to make implausible excuses. I hope that the new CDA will be able to work to the fullest for the city, just as I hope that the person who has contributed most of all (and sometimes against many) to the revival and structural and cultural consolidation of the Palace will be held in high regard: Serena Bertolucci. She was and is a true, serious and prepared professional in a field and in a city where too many times under the guise of culture personal ambitions are satisfied or, worse, business is done. I got to know a world I did not know, where my presence was often a nuisance because, beyond having nothing to lose, I was one of the few who had nothing to gain, from any point of view, whether economic or narcissistic.”
Bizzarri then thanked the staff of the Doge’s Palace and highlighted some of his accomplishments, “The Doge’s Palace is a complex, delicate structure, and I would like to thank every worker, every maintainer, every manager, and every collaborator. The Palace team is a real asset to the city, and each of them has shown this to me over these years in which every difficulty has been faced with a spirit of sacrifice and a commendable attachment to work. I finish my work with the certainty that I have given my all, had a few sleepless nights, made a few mistakes and taken away more than one satisfaction. There is a new theater hall that without this pain in the ass would have remained a dump, there is a project under way for the Grimaldina Tower to one day be open and visitable. But most of all there is one more friend, one more confidante, there is Serena who taught me her passion, made me fall in love with her work, kept me out of trouble, and at the end of this journey I am drawing the sums and I am happy. Thank you to everyone, to those who have been there for me for real, those who pretended to be there for me, and to the outraged and the one-at-a-time detractors. Long live our wonderful city, long live the Ducal Palace and long live those who will do everything from tomorrow to make it grow even more.”
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Genoa, Luca Bizzarri is no longer president of Palazzo Ducale. I've been a nuisance |
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