Genoa, citizenship income recipients will be used to keep the State Archives open

In Genoa, eight citizenship income recipients will be used to solve the problems of the State Archives, which is forced to close due to lack of staff. This is the solution adopted in recent hours.

At last the problems of theGenoa State Archives, which was forced to a number of closures in November due to staff shortages, have been solved with the employment of citizenship income recipients. In fact, an agreement was signed in the past few hours between the Director General Archives of the Ministry of Culture, Annamaria Buzzi, and the Mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, in order to employ, in the context of the Pacts for Work and Social Inclusion, eight people benefiting from citizenship income who, in implementation of a specific “Project Useful to the Community”, will support the staff of the Genoa State Archives in the activities of supervising and welcoming users and moving archival units between the repositories and study rooms, both in the main branch in Via santa Chiara and in the secondary branch in Campi.

The project is called “Together for the Genoa State Archives,” aims to enable continuity in the services rendered to users by the Archives, particularly with regard to the study room service, and will last at least a year. “The issue related to the lack of staffing at the State Archives,” says the councilor delegated to Civil Defense and Volunteer Enhancement, Sergio Gambino, “is a long-standing one, and I can reassure you of the administration’s intention to try every possible avenue with the ministry and the government to resolve it. In the meantime, however, in agreement with the administration, we have found a solution that certainly cannot be final, but which is certainly important and will allow the Archives to ensure the continuity of services.”

The percipients, the Genoa City Council points out, will also collaborate with the staff on activities to enhance the Archives, such as guided tours, exhibitions, seminars, conferences and meetings. Although it has not been specified what their contribution will be, and the topic is thorny since valorization would require experienced staff.

Genoa, citizenship income recipients will be used to keep the State Archives open
Genoa, citizenship income recipients will be used to keep the State Archives open

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