From Genoa to Mestre: Serena Bertolucci is the new director of M9 - Museo del '900

Serena Bertolucci is the new director of the M9 Museum in Mestre. She will lead the museum as of Jan. 1, 2024.

Appointed by the Board of Directors, Serena Bertolucci is the new director of M9 Museum in Mestre. After not being reappointed as director of the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, she will then go on to lead M9 Museo del ’900 in Mestre as of January 1, 2024. In fact, she will succeed Luca Molinari, who has directed the museum over the past three years “with great determination and important results of positioning on a local and national level,” as Fondazione di Venezia stated. The expiration of his three-year term is therefore imminent.

The Venice Foundation reports that “after a careful analysis of a wide shortlist of candidates, the choice has fallen on Dr. Bertolucci, former director of the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, an experienced and competent professional, endowed with that vision capable of guiding M9 into a new phase of its life, amplifying even more its vocation as a place of culture in and for the territory.” “From January 1, 2024, therefore, begins for the Museum,” it reads, “a new phase that intends to consolidate and further strengthen its role as a metropolitan cultural center. A challenging path that has found in Molinari its main promoter and that now, with the appointment of Serena Bertolucci, continues in the furrow of ever stronger integration with the territory.”

“It is with particular pleasure that I welcome the entrance of Serena Bertolucci as director of M9,” says Michele Bugliesi, president of the Venice Foundation. “At the close of an important cycle along which, thanks to the scientific guidance of Luca Molinari, the museum has grown, gaining the role of an established reality on a national level and knowing how to open up to the territory by creating strong ties with local communities and institutions, we entrust the leadership of M9 to a professional with great experience and high skills on the level of museum management and cultural programming, which go hand in hand with the sensitivity and passion she has always shown throughout her career. His appointment marks the beginning of a new phase in the life and, we are sure, further growth of the Museum. To Luca Molinari goes my personal and the M9 Foundation’s most sincere thanks for his passionate commitment and for the results that the Museum has achieved through his leadership in recent years.”

“For this new phase of my work experience,” says Serena Bertolucci, director in pectore of M9 - Museo del ’900, who will take over as director at the end of a path of knowledge and approach to the Museo del ’900, “I chose M9 with my mind and heart; with my mind because it is an important challenge that combines citizenship and memory, audiences of proximity and distance, vision and concreteness; with the heart because operating within a context of culture applied not only to regeneration but to the construction of a participatory future is what I love to do most. I thank Fondazione M9 and Fondazione di Venezia for the trust placed in me, a trust I intend to honor to the best of my ability. I look forward to getting to know the M9 community so that together we can begin to think about future activities; I am available to the citizens of Mestre and Venice for suggestions and wishes so that the institution will be more and more theirs. I feel a strong responsibility to be the custodian of a heritage of memory that today more than ever can be an engine of growth and innovation.”

“Three years ago,” commented Luca Molinari, scientific director of M9 - Museo del ’900, “with the museum empty and in the midst of a pandemic, we brought more than 600 trees to the third floor to say that M9 was alive and being reborn. My work over these years has been to make M9 a strong, authoritative and nationally recognized institution, and for this opportunity I thank the museum team and the Venice Foundation, which offered me this extraordinary opportunity. The major exhibitions on the third floor, the assiduous work with the communities, the strengthening of the Children’s area and the enhancement of the permanent exhibition tell of the work we have done together to prove that the ’900 is the step from which to face the future.”

From Genoa to Mestre: Serena Bertolucci is the new director of M9 - Museo del '900
From Genoa to Mestre: Serena Bertolucci is the new director of M9 - Museo del '900

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