From April 26, yellow zones return and culture reopens. Mario Draghi's announcement

Prime Minister Mario Draghi's announcement: yellow zones will return on April 26, so museums, cinemas, theaters, and archaeological sites will reopen.

As of April 26, yellow zones will be restored, and as a result, culture will reopen in these areas of the country: thus, the green light will be given to museums, cinemas, and theaters. It will also be possible to go to restaurants in the evening, but only by occupying outdoor tables (curfew will remain in effect, however, until 10 p.m.). As of May 3, all students will return to school. Moving between yellow regions will probably be allowed starting May 17, but a pass will be required to move between regions of different colors. These are the new measures announced by Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Health Minister Roberto Speranza at a press conference this afternoon announcing the decisions made this morning by the Covid emergency steering committee. The new measures will prioritize outdoor activities: the latest studies certify that the chances of contracting Covid-19 outdoors are very low, consequently there will be an opportunity to “invest on the open space front,” as Speranza stated. Still, among the measures announced are the reopening from May 15 for outdoor swimming pools, from June 1 for gyms, and from July 1 for fairground activity.

“If the behaviors will be observed (on the vaccination campaign I have no doubt that it will get better and better), the possibility that we will have to go back is very low,” said President Draghi. “We don’t know what the fall will be like, but this year we will have widespread vaccination and we will therefore be able to deal with any returns of the disease in a very different way. Criticism of Minister Speranza should have found peace from the beginning: it was neither well-founded nor justified (I respect him and wanted him in the government). These measures respond to the discomfort of the categories, of many operators, families, young people, and in this sense they bring greater serenity to the country, they bring the basis for the revival of the economy. We will have a very strong rebound in the coming months and then we will have to settle on a path, on a level of growth that allows us to get out of the high debt-to-GDP ratio. The rebound is certain, it’s not certain how strong it will be, but what we have to work on in the most important challenge is to make sure that after the recovery in the coming months we continue to grow, to keep the level of employment high, and to grow to the extent necessary to be a growing country again.”

“There is the idea of a path that we put in place and allows us to manage a transitional phase,” Minister Speranza said. “It would not be correct to point to an X day when any measure in our country disappears: seriousness requires a path of gradualness. The weapon we are counting on is the vaccination campaign: the stronger and more resilient this shield is, the more we are in a position to return to a different life than the one we have lived in recent months. In all seriousness, it is difficult to say whether there will be a day when all measures disappear, but the season that opens with the vaccine is a very different one. We will then have to see how people respond to vaccination when we get to very high rates. There will come a day when we will have so many doses available and we will have to convince that piece of the country that still has doubts. We will have to get to the highest rate of citizen adherence to the vaccination campaign.”

From April 26, yellow zones return and culture reopens. Mario Draghi's announcement
From April 26, yellow zones return and culture reopens. Mario Draghi's announcement

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