France, debate over vaccine passport to enter museums. In disagreement with minister

In France, the possibility of introducing a vaccine passport for various activities is being discussed: including entry to cultural venues. But for the minister of culture it would be an attack on freedom.

Debate is heating up in France around the possibility of introducing a “vaccine passport” to allow French people to engage in certain activities. The proposal had been launched last Dec. 16 by deputy Valérie Six of the Union des démocrates et indépendants, a center-right liberal party, who said in the Assemblée Nationale session that the Covid-19 vaccine would allow France to regain a social and cultural life. “We could take an example from Israel,” said Six, “which gives each vaccinated person a ’green passport’ that allows them to go to places of culture or to restaurants, and to regain, in other words, a normal life. Our group believes that such a measure could spur French people to get vaccinated and become aware that vaccinating allows them to protect themselves and others.”

In short, a certificate of vaccination in order to enter museums and places of culture. Against this hypothesis, however, the minister of culture, Roselyne Bachelot, has already spoken out on several occasions, and she returned to the subject yesterday, interviewed by the France 2 television station’s Télématin program, and reiterated a clear position: “I remain opposed to the vaccine passport, it seems to me an attack on our freedoms. The lover of freedom that I am feels sick just thinking about it! If we were to go there, it would be a regression.”

In France, museums have been closed since the end of October and it is not yet known when they will reopen, so much so that some people are deciding to act on their own initiative: this is the case of the mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot, who on Monday opened an institutional clash with the government by signing an ordinance to reopen museums. Bachelot also intervened in this case, stigmatizing the behavior of Perpignan’s first citizen as “contrary to respect for republican principles.” But on reopenings still no news: “It is too early to set a precise date,” said the minister. There will be a reopening “when we notice a stable decrease in contagions.”

France, debate over vaccine passport to enter museums. In disagreement with minister
France, debate over vaccine passport to enter museums. In disagreement with minister

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