Fragments of Parthenon marbles that belonged to the Vatican returned to Greece

A ceremony was held Friday to return to Greece the three fragments of the Parthenon marbles that belonged to the Vatican Museums. The decision had been announced in December. Now the three fragments are on display at the Acropolis Museum in Athens.

Last Friday, March 24, a ceremony was held at the Acropolis Museum in Athens for the return of the three fragments of the metopes, frieze and pediments of the Parthenon, which were returned to Greece by the Vatican Museums in a decision announced last December. A return that was possible thanks to the work of all those involved, namely the Holy See, the Vatican Museums, the Acropolis Museum and the Greek Ministry of Culture.

There are three Parthenon marbles returning from the Vatican, three fragments: the head of a child belonging to stone V of the Parthenon’s north frieze, the head of a bearded man attributed to the south metope 16 of the Centauromachia, and finally the head of a horse attributed to a Parthenon pediment.

This is the second final and unconditional reunification of parts of the Parthenon’s architectural sculptures. The road was opened last year by the Government of the Region of Sicily with the final restitution of the Palermo Fragment, also known as the “Fagan Fragment,” and today it is therefore being pursued by the Holy See with the return of the three fragments from the Vatican Museums. This path, states the Acropolis Museum in a note, “is the path that can and must be followed by the British side, following the majority of the British people who desire the definitive return and reunification of the Parthenon sculptures, thus demonstrating Britain’s leading role in morality and culture.”

The reunification of the fragments took place in the iconic Parthenon Hall, in the presence of dignitaries, including Greek Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni, Undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity Andrea Palmieri, Vatican Museums Director Barbara Jatta, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus II, and Acropolis Museum Director Nikolaou Stampolidis.

Return of Vatican fragments to Greece
Restitution of the Vatican fragments to Greece
Return of Vatican fragments to Greece Restitution of the Vatican fragments
to Greece
Return of Vatican fragments to Greece Return of the Vatican fragments
to Greece

Fragments of Parthenon marbles that belonged to the Vatican returned to Greece
Fragments of Parthenon marbles that belonged to the Vatican returned to Greece

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