For free Sunday leafleting all over Italy for the big event on Oct. 6

Today, for Free Sunday at Museums, 'You Recognize Me' activists are leafleting throughout Italy ahead of the big Oct. 6 demonstration for culture.

Ahead of the major demonstration on October 6, the most important one ever to be held in Italy on cultural heritage work, activists from the movement Do you recognize me? I’m a cultural heritage professional took advantage of today’s free Sunday, Sept. 2 (perhaps the last date of the event conceived by former minister Dario Franceschini) to carry out leafleting about the event in order to inform visitors, citizens and insiders about the important issues that will be brought to the streets of Rome on Oct. 6.

From Rome to Pompeii, from Turin to Taranto, activists throughout the day today explained the issues of the demonstration to everyone. “We have decided to unite in a united Manifestation all workers and professionals in the cultural sector, in recent years guiltily marginalized by politics despite the fact that it turns out to be one of the very few sectors that does not know any crisis,” explains Daniela Pietrangelo, precarious museum educator and Mi Riconosci activist. “Few people know that the cultural sector moves 250 billion, 17 percent of GDP, in contrast to many others, or that every euro invested in Culture produces 1.8 in other sectors: this is why it is necessary to raise awareness among colleagues to take to the streets, to demand answers and investments from politics. This day will be followed by many other actions to make the Manifestation and its reasons known.”

“Despite steadily growing numbers,” Flavio Utzeri, a student and activist, explains instead, “employment in the cultural sector is not growing, a fact made possible only by the systematic use of illegal or free labor. The rights and salaries of Culture workers are being slashed year after year, and even in a reality considered virtuous like the Egyptian Museum, outsourced and precarious work, when not free, is becoming the norm: this happens even more often in so-called minor sites, and is of no benefit to either Cultural Heritage, workers or the community. This is why mobilization is necessary.”

The October 6 date is still more than a month away, and there will be many initiatives that will continue in all cities in Italy in the meantime ahead of the event. Anyone who would like to have all the information, learn about the issues in detail, and see the list of the many acronyms that have already joined, can go to

For free Sunday leafleting all over Italy for the big event on Oct. 6
For free Sunday leafleting all over Italy for the big event on Oct. 6

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