Florence, tourist mimics sexual intercourse with the Fountain of Bacchus

When you get the urge, there's little you can do about it, you have to let it out: so in Florence a tourist decided to indulge in a... sexual intercourse, albeit mimed, with the Fountain of Bacchus, rubbing herself against the reproduction of Giambologna's famous Bacchus.

Hot scenes in Florence between a tourist and the Fountain of Bacchus, the monument where Giambologna ’s reproduction of Bacchus , now kept at the Bargello Museum, is placed. So much has come to witness via two smartphone shots that capture a girl in Florence at night climbing onto the pedestal of the bronze statue of the pagan god of wine (perhaps she was drunk?) to kiss it and mimic a sexual act by rubbing herself against the divine member. The photos taken in Borgo San Jacopo over the past few nights were put online by the instagram profile ’Welcome to Florence’.

The photos made the rounds on the web and comments were unleashed, with Vittorio Sgarbi standing out against the tide and with sarcasm on X: “In Florence a girl climbed on the Giambologna statue mimicking a sexual act. It is a transfiguration: when art is truer than life. An amorous exaltation. No real man can compete with Cellini’s Perseus. A drunk girl performs a critical act, not an erotic one.”

Probably if we had pointed out to the young lady that it was a statue by Giambologna (pseudonym of Jean de Boulogne, who was born in Flanders in 1529 and died in the Tuscan capital itself in August 1608) she would have replied, “Bologna? But aren’t we in Florence?” Indeed, one has to wonder what people walking around Florence know about what they see; probably all this beauty is too much.

Florence, tourist mimics sexual intercourse with the Fountain of Bacchus
Florence, tourist mimics sexual intercourse with the Fountain of Bacchus

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