Florence, three marble copies of nineteenth-century sculptures of popes will be placed on the facade of the Cathedral

Scaffolding has begun to be erected on the facade of Florence Cathedral to place three marble copies of the 19th-century sculptures depicting the three popes. The originals had been removed in 2017 to restore them.

Assembly of a scaffold has begun on the facade of Florence Cathedral thanks to which it will be possible to place , made by Raffaello Romanelli, Fortunato Galli and Dante Sodini, from July 10 to 14, 2023. The original sculptures were removed in 2017 from the facade to restore them given their state of severe deterioration.

The copies were made by restorers from theOpera di Santa Maria del Fiore within the restoration workshop. During the days when the sculptures will be placed on the facade of the cathedral, with the help of a crane, it will be possible to follow the ongoing operations.

The current work is part of a larger project to maintain and restore the 19th-century facade of the Florentine cathedral, which also includes replacing degraded sculptures with specially made copies.

Florence, three marble copies of nineteenth-century sculptures of popes will be placed on the facade of the Cathedral
Florence, three marble copies of nineteenth-century sculptures of popes will be placed on the facade of the Cathedral

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