Florence, stolen image of Greta Thunberg made by street artist Lediesis for charity campaign

In Florence on Jan. 14, the image of Greta Thunberg created by street artist Lediesis for the solidarity campaign Now is the time, launched by the Florence-based Il Cuore si scioglie Foundation, a nonprofit organization that has been working on initiatives for the needy since 2010, was stolen from Piazza delle Belle Arti. The campaign included a series of a realization of images, by Lediesis, of “superheroes” of solidarity, from Martin Luther King to Liliana Segre, from Pietro Bartolo to Falcone and Borsellino. Greta Thunberg was among the protagonists of the campaign, which went viral on social thanks to the hashtag #TheMoment isNow (the Foundation donated a digital copy of the work and a postcard to anyone who shared it on social).

The image of the young Swedish activist was detached from its mount by unknown persons, and in its place appeared the words “Stolen artwork - Stolen artwork.” It is not known who was the author of the act, nor are the motives obviously known: perhaps someone of Greta Thunberg’s many protesters, or simply someone who wanted to take the artwork for himself. The theft was reported by The Heart Melts Foundation itself, which, however, has already let it be known that the work (“an image that spoke of the future,” they comment from the Foundation, “calling on all of us to commit ourselves to saving our planet”) will soon return to its place in a new version.

In the photograph below, the image of Greta Thunberg stolen by unknown persons in Florence.

Florence, stolen image of Greta Thunberg made by street artist Lediesis for charity campaign
Florence, stolen image of Greta Thunberg made by street artist Lediesis for charity campaign

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