Florence considers introducing people counting in tourist areas

In Florence, a people counter may soon be introduced in tourist areas to control and regulate the flow of tourists.

Florence could soon be equipped with people-counting tools for areas assailed by tourism: this is the hypothesis under consideration by the City of Florence, which as early as this summer could introduce people counting on Ponte Vecchio to better control and manage tourist flows. Speaking about this idea was Tourism Councillor Paola Concia, who launched the hypothesis during a meeting on tourism organized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities precisely in Florence.

It would not be a system to limit access, but simply to control and study it so as to be able to better optimize it. And precisely in order to better regulate such flows, it would be necessary, according to Paola Concia, to also know how many people come to Florence for work, study or personal reasons, and how many instead come to the city simply to visit as tourists. Finally, the councillor launched the idea of a tourist bulletin to be consulted by tourists via the web so that they can be updated in real time on what is happening in the city and discover lesser-known (and therefore less crowded) but nonetheless no less evocative corners of Florence than the most popular ones.

Photo: sunset over Florence. Ph. Credit Steve Hersey

Florence considers introducing people counting in tourist areas
Florence considers introducing people counting in tourist areas

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