Florence Cathedral Museum launches app for the hearing impaired

Florence Cathedral Museum launches "Access to Opera" app to enable deaf visitors to visit the museum.

Deaf people will be able to visit the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence in a more usable way thanks to the “Access to Opera” app , created precisely by the Opera del Duomo in collaboration with the cultural associations Prisma and Comunico and with deaf people and narrators in Lis (Italian Sign Language), who have participated in the project from the beginning.

“Access to Opera” is a multisensory app consisting of 15 videos with explanations of the museum’s most representative works and rooms that will facilitate a visit to the museum not only for deaf people, but also for those with other deficits (cognitive, cultural, language), and even serve as a tool to develop educational workshops in schools and workshop workshops.
The application can be downloaded to one’s mobile devices as a supplement to the already existing and free Il Grande Museo del Duomo application, or it can be used thanks to iPads provided by the Opera on which the application has already been installed.

Luca Bagnoli, president of the Opera diSanta Maria del Fiore, explained, “For the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, these initiatives represent a path aimed at sharing our heritage, through an ever-increasing inclusion that is attentive to the opportunities provided by new technologies, so as to allow an increasingly aware active enjoyment of it by all interested audiences.”

Timothy Verdon, director of the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, said, “Beauty, vital and mysterious, is also healing and penetrates beyond the veil to touch the human being, even if suffering, in the depths.”

“Access to Opera” is just the latest, in order of time, of the initiatives put in place by the Opera to make visits to its monuments increasingly usable and easier: Florence Cathedral, Brunelleschi’s Dome, Giotto’s Bell Tower, the Crypt of Santa Reparata, the Baptistery and the Opera del Duomo Museum.
Since 2017, in fact, the TouchAble tactile pathway has already been available, as well as many other activities aimed at people with Alzheimer ’s and other forms of dementia and their caregivers.
In particular, the project called Co-OPERA-activities, after an initial testing phase, has been operational since the beginning of this year, and people can participate in the activities, which are free of charge, by signing up through residential facilities and families.

Finally, a project by the name Liget aimed at people with neurodevelopmental disorders (autism and various) and their family members is being tested.

Florence Cathedral Museum launches app for the hearing impaired
Florence Cathedral Museum launches app for the hearing impaired

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