Florence, 43 restoration works planned. City launches new call for bids

The City of Florence has launched a new one-year call for 43 restoration projects planned in the Tuscan capital.

The City of Florence has launched a new call for sponsorship for restoration work on the city’s cultural assets. There will be 43 restoration projects totaling more than 13 million euros: from the illumination of Michelozzo’s Courtyard to monuments dedicated to the heroes of the Risorgimento, from the restoration of Dante’s plaques to work in various basilicas.

The one-year call for proposals is part of Flic - Florence I care, the project of the Technical Services and Fine Arts Directorate of Palazzo Vecchio for the preservation and enhancement of the city’s artistic heritage that has allowed, since 2011, to carry out works (thanks to donations, sponsorships, concessions, Art Bonus) for almost 16 million euros, including the excavations of the Roman Theater under Palazzo Vecchio, the restoration of the Hall of the Elements in Palazzo vecchio, the enhancement of the basilica of Santissima Annunziata, the recovery of the Neptune Fountain in Piazza della Signoria, and the new balustrades in Piazzale Michelangelo.

Among the planned interventions, many concern the enhancement of the museum itinerary of Palazzo Vecchio, such as the lighting and seating in Michelozzo’s courtyard (150 thousand euros) and the Salone dei Cinquecento (150 thousand euros), the restoration of the Hall of Maps (350 thousand euros), the conservation of the Terrace of Juno (53 thousand euros) and the restoration of the wooden ceiling of the Terrace of Saturn (400 thousand euros). Also planned are restoration and enhancement of the basilicas of Santa Maria Novella (various interventions for more than one million euros) and Santo Spirito (360 thousand eurosto restore theseventeenth-century organ), the walls of San Miniato (345 thousand euros), Porta Romana (550 thousand euros), various monuments to the heroes of the Risorgimento such as Bettino Ricasoli, Manfredo Fanti, Ubaldino Peruzzi, Daniele Manin (280 thousand euros in total), the cleaning and restoration of Dante’s plaques scattered around the city (70 thousand euros). There are also evocative interventions, such as the preparatory study for the feasibility of recovering the underground link that runs under the Arno from the Torre della Zecca to the Torre di San Niccolò (150 thousand euros), or the important securing and consolidation of the Gualchiere di Remole (1.8 million).

Florence, 43 restoration works planned. City launches new call for bids
Florence, 43 restoration works planned. City launches new call for bids

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