Ferrara, Guido Harari brings great photography back to Palazzo dei Diamanti after more than 40 years

After an absence of 40 years, great photography is back in the spotlight at Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara. From July 16 to October 1, in fact, Palazzo dei Diamanti is hosting Guido Harari's solo exhibition "Incontri. 50 years of photographs and stories."

After an absence of 40 years, great photography is back in the spotlight at Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara. From July 16 to October 1, in fact, Palazzo dei Diamanti is hosting Guido Harari ’s solo exhibition entitled Incontri. 50 years of photographs and stories. The last photography exhibition at the Ferrara venue was in 1980: under the direction of Franco Farina, the works of great masters of photography were presented, including Werner Bischof, Robert Capa, Leonard Freed, Lewis W. Hine, David Seymour (“Chim”) and Dan Weiner, Bruno Vidoni, and Michelangelo Giuliani. The last exhibition was that of Luigi Ghirri, in 1980, while since 1982 the place dedicated to this media became the Photography Gallery in Palazzo Massari.

Incontri. 50 years of photographs and stories, brings together more than 300 photographs by Guido Harari, installations and original films, projections and musical forays, from his beginnings in music as a photographer and journalist, to his numerous record covers for famous artists, including Fabrizio De André, Bob Dylan, Vasco Rossi, Kate Bush, Paolo Conte, Lou Reed, and Frank Zappa, to the establishment of a work that over time has bounced from one genre to another-publishing, advertising, fashion, reportage-always favoring portraiture as an intimate account of his encounters with the major personalities of his time.

Along the way, one will be able to appreciate his parallel passion for curating books, understood as a form of “photography without a camera,” a section devoted to unpublished “research” images, and finally the room with the greatest impact, “Eyes of Ferrara,” a sort of ’exhibition within an exhibition’ that will host the city’s gazes. Here Harari will gradually exhibit the portraits he will make by reservation in the Caverna Magica, a photographic set set up at the end of the exhibition (July 16-23 and September 2-10, info at cavernamagicaharari.com). The exhibition is organized by the Ferrara Arte Foundation and the Art Museums Service of the City of Ferrara in collaboration with Rjma Cultural Projects and Wall Of Sound Gallery, and with the contribution of the City of Ancona. More information at www.palazzodiamanti.it.

Image: Guido Harari, Patti Smith, Monza, Villa Arconati, 1996

Ferrara, Guido Harari brings great photography back to Palazzo dei Diamanti after more than 40 years
Ferrara, Guido Harari brings great photography back to Palazzo dei Diamanti after more than 40 years

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