Farewell to Bill Viola, the great pioneer of video art

The great U.S. artist Bill Viola has died at the age of 73 from complications due to Alzheimer's disease from which he suffered. Viola was a pioneer of video art.

The great U.S. artist Bill Viola has passed away at the age of 73 from complications due to Alzheimer’s disease from which he suffered. Confirmation of the news comes from his studio’s official Instagram account: “It is with great sadness,” the post reads, “that Bill Viola Studio shares the news of the death of Bill Viola, one of the world’s leading contemporary artists. He passed away peacefully at home on July 12, at the age of 73. The cause was Alzheimer’s disease. Viola leaves behind his wife and longtime creative collaborator, Kira Perov, director of Bill Viola Studio, sons Blake and Andrei Viola, and daughter-in-law Aileen Milliman.”

News update

Image: Bill Viola. Photo: Alessandro Moggi

Farewell to Bill Viola, the great pioneer of video art
Farewell to Bill Viola, the great pioneer of video art

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