FAI honorary president Giulia Maria Crespi on the Cara di Castelnuovo: I am ashamed to be Italian

Heavy words those of Giulia Maria Crespi, honorary president of FAI - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, on the affair of the Cara (Centro Accoglienza Richiedenti Asilo - Reception Center for Asylum Seekers) in Castelnuovo di Porto, in the province of Rome: by order of the Ministry of the Interior, in the past few hours some dozens of the 500 migrants hosted at the center have in fact been transferred to other destinations, without seeing the reason for the move or the destination communicated. The migrants transferred also include several children and young people who had begun integration paths in and around Castelnuovo di Porto, where they had begun attending local schools or sports and cultural associations. The reason given by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is the savings that would result from closing the center (which is the second largest in Italy) and which was quantified by the minister himself as 6 million euros.

Giulia Maria Crespi, interviewed by Alessandro Fulloni in today’s edition of Corriere della Sera, said, “in front of Europe, I am ashamed to be Italian.” The honorary president of the FAI, grandmother of six grandchildren, was particularly affected by the story of the children and young people (“without any warning they were forced to leave the school, the place where they were welcomed and where they live to be thrown out, far away in the street”).

Born in Merate on June 6, 1923, Giulia Maria Crespi, an entrepreneur and descendant of a family known for its activities in the textile industry (the Crespi family in the late 19th century founded the working-class village of Crespi d’Adda, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site), founded FAI in 1975 along with Renato Bazzoni, Alberto Pedrieri and Franco Russoli.

Pictured: Giulia Maria Crespi.

FAI honorary president Giulia Maria Crespi on the Cara di Castelnuovo: I am ashamed to be Italian
FAI honorary president Giulia Maria Crespi on the Cara di Castelnuovo: I am ashamed to be Italian

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