Facebook censors Sgarbi's exhibition in Gualdo, works too risque. And Sgarbi protests ... naked

Facebook prevents Sgarbi's 'Seduction and Power' exhibition from advertising female nude works. And Sgarbi protests...nude.

Social misadventure for the exhibition Seduction and Power. Women in Art between Guido Cagnacci and Tiepolo, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi and Antonio D’Amico and running in Gualdo Tadino at the monumental church of San Francesco until December 3. Apparently, Facebook has deemed contrary to its own policy the nude images of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century artists that the exhibition’s organizers intended to use to promote the exhibition on social: Zuckerberg’s social in fact does not allow the use of images in which nude bodies appear, even for educational purposes.

Reached by the newspaper Umbria 24, Sgarbi said, “The exhibition presents seduction through a series of female images that in literature, biblical episodes, mythology, history and everyday life, have been able to dominate with the power of intentions and thanks to a delicate beauty. Nothing, therefore, is untoward or to be concealed from the vision of the youngest, for these are works of art, allowing us to admire the Baroque and Rococo eras in all their splendor: from the sorceress Circe who seduces with her spells, to the delicate reluctance of a young Rebecca at the well, to the piercing strength of Magdalene, to the intrepid exaltation of Judith, to the determination of Bathsheba who seduces for the conquest of power, to the superlative sensuality of Armida and Cleopatra, women who attract by their irresistible charm.” The mayor of Gualdo Tadino, Massimiliano Presciutti, expressed outrage, calling Facebook’s move “an unacceptable act of censorship that cannot be tolerated.”

Meanwhile, Vittorio Sgarbi decided to stage a particular protest. In fact, on his Facebook page he spread a photograph depicting him naked, with a copy of Ennio Flaiano’s Diary of Errors covering his pudenda. Given the numbers reached by the photo (over 31,000 likes to date), it can hardly be said that it did not reach...

Image: Cleopatra by Guido Cagnacci (Piacenza, private collection)

Facebook censors Sgarbi's exhibition in Gualdo, works too risque. And Sgarbi protests ... naked
Facebook censors Sgarbi's exhibition in Gualdo, works too risque. And Sgarbi protests ... naked

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