Este Galleries, Martina Bagnoli's term ends. A museum on the rise

The term of Martina Bagnoli, director of the Estensi Galleries of Modena and Ferrara from 2015 to 2023, comes to an end. For the institute, it is time to take stock, which speaks of a growing museum.

At the Estense Galleries of Modena and Ferrara , the term of Martina Bagnoli, who was director of the museums for eight years, from 2015, the year in which the ministry’s new autonomous institute (which brings together the Estense Gallery and the Estense University Library in Modena, the National Picture Gallery in Ferrara and the Ducal Palace in Sassuolo) was born, until 2023, comes to an end.

The balance of eight years’ activities was monitored by the Santagata Foundation for the Economy of Culture , which found that all the numbers are in the positive: both audience numbers (+80.62 percent in ticket sales between 2016 and 2023; +21.64 percent in the last year alone) andcultural offerings (25 temporary exhibitions, 111 cultural events between 2016 and 2023) have increased. A remarkable balance sheet also regarding digitization, educational offerings, sustainable and accessible museum experience, and online positioning of the institution.

“These years at the direction of the Estense Galleries have been a sea voyage,” says Martina Bagnoli. “I have been the captain of a ship that has encountered gales and storms but also beautiful sunny mornings and beautiful sunsets. Now we have arrived in port. The ship is well equipped and stocked. It only remains for me to wish good winds to those who will come after me. May the next voyage be accomplished with the best of wishes.”

Over the course of Martina Bagnoli’s two terms in office, the Estense Galleries have been able to attract a growing number of visitors thanks to the adaptation of spaces, the expansion of educational offerings, and the continuous planning of events aimed at engaging different types of audiences. In all, there is not only a +80.62% increase in ticket sales between 2016 and 2023, but also a +21.64% increase in ticket sales in the last year alone compared to the previous year.

The Estense Galleries have invested significant capital in refurbishing the halls, protecting the works, securing the spaces, removing barriers to physical and cognitive accessibility, and making the museum more energy efficient. This amounts to 18,827,658.61 euros of funds invested in major worksites between 2015 and 2023, including 13,715,454.61 for refitting, restoration, and adaptation of spaces, 1,015,000.00 for physical and cognitive accessibility, 1,950,000.00 for energy efficiency, and 2,147,204.00 for security and risk prevention.

Martina Bagnoli
Martina Bagnoli

The economic results of the Estensi Galleries reflect the goals the museum has set for itself over the years, from strengthening its ties with citizens and stakeholders in the area to investing in improving its offerings. In 2023 alone, revenue from ticket sales increased by +21.64 percent compared to the previous year, items corresponding to concessions saw an increase of +43.43 percent, and those related to contributions from private individuals stood at €.177,500.00 in 2023. Allocations have also increased in the past year: +62 percent for cultural events, by +67 percent for publicity and promotion, and by +52 percent for educational activities. In all, we estimate 30,980,024 euros of total impact generated in the country by the Estense Galleries over the past eight years of its tenure.

The Estense University Library represents a living and open reference point for scholars and researchers, including through the creation of the Estense Digital Library: Of the 900,000 volumes stored within the Estense University Library, 145,000 works have been digitized as of December 2023, and in 2023 alone there were 192,878 consultations on EDL.

On the teaching front, the growth of the teaching service was immediately extremely evident. From 2015 to 2022, the proposed educational itineraries increased from 6 to 61(+916%), and the number of visiting classes increased by 422%, a trend that remains positive for 2023 as well. In the 2022/2023 school year alone, 480 visiting classes were registered.

Finally, in the area of digital communication, the Estense Galleries developed and consolidated its online presence through a communication strategy capable of engaging both online and traditional audiences (Facebook stands at 18,838 followers with 39% growth, Instagram at 41,665 followers with 45% growth, and Twitter 2,700 followers, +133%).

Este Galleries, Martina Bagnoli's term ends. A museum on the rise
Este Galleries, Martina Bagnoli's term ends. A museum on the rise

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