Eike Schmidt: defacing artworks by saying they are defending the planet? Bad example

Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt condemns the actions of environmental activists who deface artworks and monuments, "They only offer a bad example."

Clear condemnation by Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt of environmental activists who deface artworks and monuments to promote the cause. Schmidt’s message came during a speech at A Europe of United Gardens, a forum of the European route of historic gardens, held this morning in the Uffizi’s Vasari auditorium. The event, attended today by scholars, directors and representatives of the more than 40 historic gardens across Europe that are part of the European Route (including the Boboli Gardens, which is under the Uffizi Galleries), is dedicated to issues of both natural and artistic heritage conservation, on which historic gardens are working to develop common strategies.

“From historic gardens,” Schmidt said, “today comes a message and a model of attention, care and love for the environment, for the historic and artistic heritage and for the sustainability of the future. The exact opposite of people who go around defacing works and monuments saying they are doing it to defend the health of the planet-these people only offer the public a bad example.”

Eike Schmidt: defacing artworks by saying they are defending the planet? Bad example
Eike Schmidt: defacing artworks by saying they are defending the planet? Bad example

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