Discounts for Arabs at the Egyptian Museum, director Christian Greco annihilates Giorgia Meloni: the Egyptian is everyone's

Fratelli d'Italia demonstration in front of the Egyptian Museum in Turin against discounts for Arabic speakers, and director Christian Greco annihilates Giorgia Meloni.

Clash at the Egyptian Museum yesterday between MP Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Fratelli d’Italia party, and the director of the Turin museum, Christian Greco. Meloni, during the Turin leg of her election campaign, organized a sit-in in front of the museum, complete with a banner, to say “no to the Islamization” of Italy, and the decision to protest in front of the museum was made because of the"Fortunato chi parla arabo" initiative, the discount the institute is reserving for Arabic speakers until March 31, which Giorgia Meloni and sodalists say would represent an example of racism against Italians.

Christian Greco came down to confront the protesters. Faced with accusations from Giorgia Meloni, who accused the director and the museum of initiating discriminatory promotion, Christian Greco responded,"Culture is universal. I am trying to bring people to the museum who in Egypt, unfortunately, are not approached to their heritage. By the way, I remember that in the 1920s a petition was read in the U.S. Congress that said ’they stink, they have lice they rape our women, they steal,’ and it was about the Italians. The Met responded by having an exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci with all the signs in Italian to engage the Italians.“ Faced with Giorgia Meloni’s insistence, fixed on her accusation of ”discrimination,“ Christian Greco replied, ”On Thursday, young people can enter for 4 euros. Why don’t you come and protest against the student who pays a reduced ticket compared to the 40-year-old?" Finally, the director concluded by telling his interlocutors that they are exploiting the museum for political purposes and reiterated that"the museum belongs to everyone." A video of the confrontation can be seen on YouTube.

Pictured: Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin.

Discounts for Arabs at the Egyptian Museum, director Christian Greco annihilates Giorgia Meloni: the Egyptian is everyone's
Discounts for Arabs at the Egyptian Museum, director Christian Greco annihilates Giorgia Meloni: the Egyptian is everyone's

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