Digitized and online all of Leopardi's autograph manuscripts from the National Library of Naples

The entire corpus of Giacomo Leopardi's autograph manuscripts from the National Library of Naples is online and accessible to all.

The entire corpus of Giacomo Leopardiautographs in the National Library of Naples is now online. In fact, the work of digitizing, pouring and publishing the Leopardi manuscript autographs belonging to the"Carte Leopardi" Fund of the National Library of Naples has been completed. They can therefore be consulted by everyone remotely and with free access at this link https://dl.bnnonline.it/handle/20.500.12113/4758

When the poet died in 1837, his autographs remained in the possession of Antonio Ranieri, his Neapolitan friend, who guarded them and preserved their integrity for more than fifty years. It was Ranieri who arranged for their transfer by bequest in his will to the National Library of Naples, to which the papers would reach only at the end of a lengthy court dispute. Expropriated by the state in 1897 and first entrusted to the examination of a ministerial commission established in the Biblioteca Casanatense in Rome and chaired by Carducci, the precious Leopard archive was officially handed over to the Neapolitan institution on May 19, 1907.

In addition to the autograph documentation of most of the Canti (among others, Alla luna, L’Infinito, Ultimo canto di Saffo, A Silvia, Le ricordanze, Il sabato del villaggio, Canto notturno, etc.) and the Operette morali, the collection preserves the author’s manuscripts of Saggio sopra gli errori popolari degli antichi (1815), of the Discorso di un Italiano intorno alla poesia romantica (1818), the Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl’Italiani (1824), the One Hundred and Eleven Thoughts (1831-1835) and, first and foremost, the 4526 pages of the Zibaldone (1817-1832), now collected in six volumes.

For years the National Library of Naples has been digitizing its holdings: in addition to the “Leopardi Papers,” there are numerous manuscript documents, printed editions, iconographic and cartographic materials on the platform. The resources are available via a high-resolution image viewer, through a digital vitrine on the open source DSpace-GLAM platform, which allows the management and visualization, via a web interface, of a vast type of documents, as well as the long-term preservation of digital materials.

Digitized and online all of Leopardi's autograph manuscripts from the National Library of Naples
Digitized and online all of Leopardi's autograph manuscripts from the National Library of Naples

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.