Coronavirus, here is all the aid for tourism and culture decided in the council of ministers

Cabinet approves decree to help Italy recover from Covid-19 emergency. Here is aid for tourism and culture.

A decree was passed today that will help Italy recover from the Covid-19 coronavirus health emergency: there are several measures for tourism and culture set out in the decree, dubbed “Cura Italia” and which will also be published in the Official Gazette shortly. A 25-billion-euro maneuver, which includes measures such as the suspension of VAT payments for businesses in the hardest hit sectors (tourism and culture are among them), special leave for workers, babysitting vouchers for families, a two-month stop to layoffs, and a one-time allowance for the self-employed of 600 euros. And specific measures for tourism and culture.

“The Council of Ministers,” said Cultural Heritage Minister Dario Franceschini, “has approved additional measures to help tourism and culture, sectors hard hit by the spread of the Coronavirus and the measures taken to contain the contagion. The measures take into account the many requests from the associations of categories of these sectors with which we have been in close contact in recent weeks. From allowances to workers in the various sectors, to the emergency fund for entertainment, cinema and audiovisual, to support for hotels and tourism businesses, there are numerous measures put in place by the government to support the cultural, creative and tourism industries, one of the country’s main engines, in this first phase.”

Here are what the measures are. There are, meanwhile, extraordinary allowances for workers in tourism, culture, entertainment, film and audiovisual industries, which will also be extended to workers without social safety nets (i.e., seasonal workers in tourism and entertainment). There will also be interventions in favor of authors, artists, performers and agents. And again, support for businesses in culture, entertainment and tourism: suspension of payments of withholding taxes, social security and welfare contributions and compulsory insurance premiums for entities that manage or organize theaters, concert halls, cinemas, fairs or events of an artistic or cultural nature, museums, libraries, archives, historical places and monuments, bars, restaurants, spa companies, amusement or theme parks, transportation services, rental of sports and recreational equipment or facilities and equipment for events and shows, tour guides and assistants.

Next comes the Entertainment and Cinema Emergency Fund: 130 million euros for 2020 to support operators, authors, artists, performers and performers affected by the measures adopted for the COVID-19 emergency and for investments aimed at revitalizing these sectors. The modalities for the distribution and allocation of resources will be established by decree of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, taking into account the negative impact on beneficiaries resulting from the measures to contain the COVID-19 contagion. Again, the voucher that reimburses travel and package tours canceled as a result of the Covid-19 emergency is also extended to tickets for shows, cinemas, theaters, museums and other cultural venues. Also established is a voucher to reimburse those who had made reservations at hotels and other accommodations. Finally, it was decided to carry out an extraordinary campaign to promote Italy in the world, including for tourism and cultural purposes.

Photo: Palazzo Chigi. Ph. Credit Simone Ramella

Coronavirus, here is all the aid for tourism and culture decided in the council of ministers
Coronavirus, here is all the aid for tourism and culture decided in the council of ministers

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