CoopCultura launches Culture at Home, a portal for healthy culture carriers

CoopCulture has launched a new project for sharing art at the click of a mouse: Culture at Home, a portal all about “healthy culture carriers” to explore during the quarantine period.

Four sections make up the site: OfficinaCulture, a page of videos for doing activities with children at home; EduCulture, with educational notebooks, videos and other fun learning opportunities for students of all ages; RaccontiCulture, a gallery of audio guides that can be downloaded to your smartphone and listened to from the comfort of your couch; and CultureStories, which, every day, offers new virtual postcards from the most beautiful places inItaly in the hope that, one day, they can be visited in person again.

You can find Culture at home at this link.

CoopCultura launches Culture at Home, a portal for healthy culture carriers
CoopCultura launches Culture at Home, a portal for healthy culture carriers

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