Conte: schools and universities at the center of government action, and we invest in culture and tourism

Schools, universities, culture and tourism are part of the relaunch decree presented this evening by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

School, university, tourism and culture in the relaunch decree: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ended a press conference a short while ago during which he presented the contents of the decree, which also cover the sectors listed above, introduced in that order by the prime minister in the closing lines of his speech, before handing over the floor to the other ministers for some further details on the measures that will be taken in the decree that is to continue to help the country recover from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

“Schools,” Conte said, “are at the center of government action and we are demonstrating that. We have 1 billion 450 million over two years that will be allocated to schools to plan for a safe return in September, for digitization, to allow even the holding of high school exams, in presence, in safety. We are also giving a clear signal to further strengthen and stabilize the teaching staff: just think, compared to the commitments already made, we will have 16 thousand new teacher positions, which, when fully implemented, will bring us to 78 thousand new tenured teachers.”

Then there is the university chapter. “Attention: we are also investing in the future,” said the prime minister. “One billion and 400 million go to strengthening the university system and the research system. We have all been aware during this period how important it is to strengthen the research system, from all points of view. This is an important investment. We will have 4,000 new researchers-we hope that many of our bright young people who have gone abroad will be able to return. 300 million for the right to study, 600 million for research, 500 million for the university.”

As for tourism, Conte said that “we have a vacation voucher to be spent in 2020 up to a maximum of 500 euros, to be spent in hotels, accommodations. It will be usable for all families with Isee less than 40 thousand euros. We have a first installment IMU rebate for hotels and beach establishments, we have a strategic fund for tourism with 150 million, with which we will obviously be able to do many initiatives, and a 20 million fund for the promotion of tourism in Italy. Again, restaurants and bars will be able to occupy public land without paying the Tosap, and this is thanks to the collaboration with Anci with which there is a very good spirit of sharing.”

Finally, regarding culture, here is what Conte said, “We are not forgetting this sector either. We have an eye for our artists who entertain us so much and make us so passionate. For members of the entertainment workers’ pension fund who have paid at least seven days of contributions in 2019, the 600-euro allowance will also arrive for the months of April and May. And we also create a culture fund with an endowment of 50 million euros for 2020, aimed at promoting investments and other interventions for the protection, enjoyment, enhancement and digitization of cultural heritage.”

Pictured: Giuseppe Conte this evening at a press conference.

Conte: schools and universities at the center of government action, and we invest in culture and tourism
Conte: schools and universities at the center of government action, and we invest in culture and tourism

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