Comics in different languages, new International Comics Library opens in Naples

Starting May 6 at the Foqus Foundation, the International Comics Library opens, an initiative that demonstrates how reading and art can be accessible to all.

The spaces of the Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli in Naples welcome the first International Library Of Comics. The project starts with 200 titles, divided by languages and countries, browsable inside Fondazione Foqus to promote reading and the art of comics among young people, made possible thanks to a donation from the Drosselmeier Academy, in collaboration with Libreria dei ragazzi of Naples, Della Passarelli, SinnosEditrice of Rome, Giulia Rizzo of Terre di mezzo, Milan, with its author Fabrice Parme on an Italian tour. The collection starts with new Italian, French, English and Spanish language novelties. These comics are joined by Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese classics that will allow readers to observe the difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters. Foqus Foundation, offers young people a new opportunity for learning, creative expression and personal development. Along with comics consulting, which is completely free of charge, there are cycles of meetings, reading events, book clubs, and writing and drawing workshops, with the participation of artists and professionals in the field. The first International Comic Book Library has been open to readers since Monday, May 6.

“The main goal of the library is to provide children with a unique opportunity to discover and appreciate the world of comics,” explained Rachele Furfaro, president of the Spanish Quarter Foundation “Reading comics from a young age can significantly contribute to the development of reading skills, stimulating imagination and creativity. In addition, comic books offer a form of art and visual communication, allowing young readers to explore new worlds and gain new perspectives and a better understanding of different cultures.”

Comics in different languages, new International Comics Library opens in Naples
Comics in different languages, new International Comics Library opens in Naples

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