Colosseum signed contract with new ticket office manager

The Colosseum Archaeological Park announces that it has signed the service contract with the new ticket office manager. The contract will run for 48 months.

The Colosseum Archaeological Park announces that it has signed the service contract with the new manager of the ticket office: CNS - Consorzio Nazionale Servizi Società Cooperativa, the mandated company leading the temporary grouping that includes the mandator Midaticket srl, which specializes in the field of cultural heritage, and the executing firms indicated by the consortium, namely REAR cooperative society and Cooperativa Sociale Zoe. The contract will have a duration of 48 months, starting from the date of the start of the execution of the activities, scheduled to start on Feb. 1, 2024, considering the months useful for the handover between the current concessionaire and the new manager. It will therefore no longer be a concession, but a service contract. CNS and Midaticket srl will use ticketing software designed specifically for museums and temporary exhibitions, which has already been tested for important Italian monuments and museum realities such as the Duomo in Milan, the Egyptian Museum in Turin, the National Museum of Cinema in Turin, and the Sansevero Chapel Museum in Naples.

The Colosseum Archaeological Park also announces that there will be many new features, starting with the new legal status that entails remuneration on the service actually performed, with no ticket surcharges and therefore increased revenue for the PArCo and the entire national museum system. Management will be handled directly by PArCo, which will also internalize additional services, teaching and enhancement activities. The intention is also to enhance sales channels, both through call centers and on site with smart systems, such as the presence of operators in official uniforms equipped with tablets for instant ticket purchases, but also automated sales machines. Finally, LED screens will be placed in the Colosseum plaza with real-time information on ticket availability, waiting time, and the official cost to the public of tickets.

In anticipation of the transition to the new manager, the PArCo announces that it will organize a meeting with tour operators, agencies and tour guides in December.

Colosseum signed contract with new ticket office manager
Colosseum signed contract with new ticket office manager

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