Cold wave in Greece: in Athens, the Acropolis covered in snow. The spectacular photos

Greece has been hit in recent days by a cold wave that has brought snow to many areas of the country. Spectacular photographs of the whitewashed Acropolis of Athens.

Quiteunusual images have come in recent days from a snow-battered Greece. After summer temperatures had been reached in several parts of the country in January (with highs of 28 degrees, never so hot in the last fifty years in the first month of the year), so much so that a number of Greeks flocked to the beaches, the country has had the opposite problem in recent hours, with snow falling in abundance in many areas, with temperatures in the mountainous areas of the northwest of the country reaching as low as -19 degrees. In fact, Greece was hit by a cold wave, media dubbed "Medea," after the mythological sorceress in love with Jason.

The temperatures touched in Greece, especially on the Balkans, are the lowest in a decade. Snow also fell in abundance in the capital Athens, with accumulations of 15-20 centimeters in the city center and 25-30 in the suburbs. Many inconveniences: in fact, Greece is not used to events of this kind, and even the snowploughs are few in relation to the inconvenience. Already since yesterday, however, temperatures have begun to rise. Some snowflakes also fell on the Aegean islands, but without taking root.

For Athens, snow is not exceptional: the last snowfall was in 2008, but before that there had been snow events in 2006, 2004, 2002, 1992, 1987, and 1983. With heavy events every ten years or so (in the past, even accumulations of 70 centimeters have been reached). However, seeing theAcropolis snow-covered is always an unusual sight, and photos of the Parthenon whitewashed by snow already abound on the web. Here are some of them below!

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit @pastelidis_greece via Instagram
Snow-covered Athens. Ph. Credit @pastelidis_greece via Instagram.

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit @thethingaboutgreece via Instagram
Snow-covered Athens. Ph. Credit @thethingaboutgreece via Instagram

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit @marelli.k via Instagram
Snowy Athens. Ph. Credit @marelli.k via Instagram

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit Daniela Popescu
Snowy Athens. Ph. Credit Daniela Popescu

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit Stavros Petropoulous
Snowy Athens. Ph. Credit Stavros Petropoulous

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit Billy Keasy
Athens snow-covered. Ph. Credit Billy Keasy

Athens in snow. Ph. Credit Mary Constantine Dafni
Athens snow-covered. Ph. Credit Mary Constantine Dafni

Cold wave in Greece: in Athens, the Acropolis covered in snow. The spectacular photos
Cold wave in Greece: in Athens, the Acropolis covered in snow. The spectacular photos

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