Carrara, work starts on new waterfront, an 870m-long seafront promenade

In Marina di Carrara, work has begun that will transform the waterfront of the city of marble: coming in two years is a large, 870-meter-long seaside promenade that will overlook the sea on one side and the Apuan Alps on the other.

Carrara’s waterfront is reborn with a major intervention: a waterfront promenade as much as 870 meters long and 5 meters wide, which will allow citizens and visitors to see a unique spectacle, with the sea on one side and the majestic Apuan Alps on the other. Work started this week on the redevelopment of the Marina di Carrara Waterfront, consisting of the renovation of the seafront promenade at the western pier to transform it into the work that will finally allow people to admire the sea. This is the fourth sphere of the new Waterfront project: the first concerns the redevelopment of the system of accesses to the port, the second the redevelopment of the waterfront (the Colombo and Giovanni da Verrazzano avenues), the third the creation of squares and paths connecting with the sea, while the fourth, the most spectacular, consists precisely in the creation of the new panoramic route along the breakwater of the port of the city of marbles.

The route will be developed above the breakwater’s breakwater wall and which represents the most significant part of the entire Waterfront project, not only because of its size, but especially because of its panoramic aspect, with its views of the open sea and the harbor and the backdrop of the Apuan Alps. Also planned is the redevelopment of the onshore area at the root of the breakwater pier and the creation of a new waterfront plaza at the elbow of the pier. The onshore areas will be enhanced by paths made of dunes with native vegetation, cliffs, and small slopes. To encourage overlooks, “transparent” steel railings and ground-level lighting are also planned. The economic investment for the implementation of the project, amounts to 13,870,000 euros of which 1,574,000 is guaranteed by the PNC - PNRR Supplementary Fund. The work was awarded to the company R.C.M. Costruzioni S.r.l. of Sarno, according to the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer. The construction time for the new promenade is estimated at two years.

The work stems from the need to initiate the functional and landscape redevelopment of the beach area at the root of the pier and to innovate the system of use of the breakwater pier to transform it into an open promenade on the sea, including through the arrangement and securing of the paths traditionally used by citizens. The route will start from the “Square on land” and will first lead to the elbow of the breakwater, after which, through a game of gentle and constant ramps, it will lead to the new "Square on the sea," the traffic circle that will be created at the end of the route. The promenade will be open night and day, with sporadic restrictions only during major sea storms. The work was commissioned by theEastern Ligurian Sea Port System Authority.

“Tomorrow’s Marina is one day closer,” said Carrara Mayor Serena Arrighi on the occasion of the closure of the current promenade. “Soon the work on the new path along the breakwater will come into full swing. One of the places already now most loved by Carrara residents and tourists in the next year and a half will be radically transformed becoming, I am sure, a real jewel.” For Mario Sommariva, president of the Port System Authority, “The waterfront of Marina di Carrara represents the connecting strip between the sea, the port and the city. The planned works, which are considered strategic and therefore worthy of receiving the funding provided by the PNRR, have precisely the purpose of mending the relationship between the port and the city, allowing citizens as well as tourists and cruise passengers to enjoy a unique work.”

Rendering della passeggiata di Marina di Carrara
Rendering of the Marina di Carrara prom
Rendering della passeggiata di Marina di Carrara Rendering of the Marina di
Rendering della passeggiata di Marina di Carrara Rendering
of the Marina di Carrara prom

Carrara, work starts on new waterfront, an 870m-long seafront promenade
Carrara, work starts on new waterfront, an 870m-long seafront promenade

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