Camogli, cleaned up the Christ of the Abyss on its 70th anniversary

On the occasion of its 70th anniversary, the Christ of the Abyss in Camogli's San Fruttuoso Bay was cleaned up through underwater maintenance work.

Thanks to the cooperation and coordination of the technical service of Underwater Archaeology of the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for Genoa and La Spezia and the National Superintendence for Underwater Cultural Heritage, the bronze statue of the Christ of the Abyss was cleaned up by carrying out underwater maintenance work. The intervention took place on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the monument, an international symbol of diving and a memorial to the lives lost at sea.

The operation was made possible through the use of apressure washer provided by the Roan of the Genoa Guardia di Finanza. Divers from the Guardia di Finanza, Fire Brigade, Carabinieri, Coast Guard and Comsubin took turns underwater.

Two and a half meters tall and weighing 260 kilograms, the statue was made by sculptor Guido Galletti by casting medals of the fallen donated by mothers and widows, medals of athletes, parts of ships, propellers, bells and cannons. It was laid on the seabed at a depth of 18 meters in 1954 by Duilio Marcante in the bay of San Fruttuoso di Camogli. This intervention, in addition to its technical importance, “contains in itself a cultural value and a symbolic surplus value,” explained the Superintendence, “it is a heritage of devotion and love for the sea that unites every man.”

Camogli, cleaned up the Christ of the Abyss on its 70th anniversary
Camogli, cleaned up the Christ of the Abyss on its 70th anniversary

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