With 156 votes in favor and 124 against, the Senate has just approved the Budget Law 2021. The maneuver therefore officially becomes law. Several measures for culture, let’s see what they are.
Grantsfor merchants in historic centers. Paragraph 87: The non-refundable subsidy for those engaged in the business of selling goods or services to the public, established by the August decree, is now also extended to municipalities where there are religious shrines (where three times the number of residents have been recorded) in addition to the municipalities identified by the August decree. The increased charges are supported with 10 million euros for 2021.
Free admission to museums for Italians living abroad. Paragraph 89: In order to stimulate the recovery of return tourism flows, a fund with an allocation of 1.5 million euros for each of the years 2021, 2022 and 2023 is established in the estimates of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism to allow, within the limits of the availability of the fund itself, Italian citizens residing abroad, who attest their registration in the Registry of Italians residing abroad (AIRE), free admission to the network of museums, areas and archaeological parks of public relevance. MiBACT will establish the modalities with an implementing decree.
Fund for the protection and enhancement of areas of geological and speleological interest. Paragraph 91: In order to ensure the protection and enhancement of areas of special geological or speleological interest, as well as to support their development and environmentally sustainable management and promote their public enjoyment, a special fund is established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with an allocation of 4 million euros for the year 2021. The fund will be used to finance, in favor of karst complexes with a tourist vocation, the upgrading and adaptation of ordinary lighting, security and multimedia systems, both surface and underground environments open to public enjoyment, including through the replacement and renovation of the same with technologies that ensure the safety of people, energy efficiency, environmental protection with the elimination of polluting sources and the preservation of the underground heritage. The allocations will be identified by special decree of the Minister of Regional Affairs.
Fund for small and medium-sized creative enterprises. Paragraph 109: A “Fund for small and medium-sized creative enterprises” is established in the budget of the Ministry of Economic Development, with an allocation of 20 million euros for each of the years 2021 and 2022. The resources will be used to promote new entrepreneurship and the development of enterprises in the creative sector, through non-repayable grants, subsidized financing and their combinations; to promote the collaboration of enterprises in the creative sector with enterprises in other productive sectors, particularly traditional ones, as well as with universities and research institutions, including through the provision of non-repayable grants in the form of vouchers to be used for the purchase of services provided by creative enterprises or to foster innovation processes; support the growth of enterprises in the sector, including through the underwriting of participatory financial instruments, for the exclusive benefit of innovative start-ups and innovative SMEs; consolidate and foster the development of the creative sector entrepreneurial system through activities of analysis, study, promotion and valorization. "Creative sector,“ reads the text of the maneuver, means ”the sector that includes activities directed to the development, creation, production, dissemination and preservation of goods and services that constitute cultural, artistic or other creative expressions and, in particular, those related to architecture, archives libraries, museums, artistic crafts, audiovisual, including film, television and multimedia content, software, video games, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design, festivals, music, literature, performing arts, publishing, radio, visual arts, communication and advertising." The MiSE, in agreement with MiBACT, will determine the provisions for the implementation of the fund, by special decree.
Festival Fund. Paragraph 114: In order to support the sector of festivals, choirs, music bands and jazz music, a “Fund for the support of the sector of festivals, choirs and music bands and jazz music” is established in the estimates of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, with an allocation of 3 million euros for the year 2021. MiBACT will establish the terms of the fund by special decree.
Fund for experiential tourism education in the south. Paragraph 195: In the estimates of the Ministry of Economy and Finance for subsequent transfer to the autonomous budget of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, an experimental fund for experiential tourism training is established, with an allocation of 1 million euros for each of the years 2021 and 2022, which will be used to improve the professional skills of operators in the sector and reinforce their focus on issues of environmental sustainability. The fund is distributed among the southern regions (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily) and is tied to the organization of experiential tourism training courses referring to areas of the tourism supply chain. A decree issued by the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion, in consultation with MiBACT, identifies how to access the fund, the criteria for the allocation of resources and the amount of the grant that can be awarded.
Anadditional 1 million per year for the right to study in higher artistic, musical and coreutic education. Paragraph 542: In order to also enable institutions of higher artistic, musical and coreutic education (AFAM) to concretely implement services and initiatives in favor of students with disabilities and students with disabilities exceeding 66 percent as well as students with a certification of specific learning disorder, as of the academic year 2020/2021, funds for the administrative operation and educational activities of AFAM institutions are increased by 1 million euros annually starting from the year 2021, distributed among the various institutions in relation to the total number of students with disabilities enrolled at the same institutions, also providing for the inclusion of an academic tutor figure experienced in inclusive music education and specially trained.
500 thousand euros for the Portal for the History of the Italian Republic. Paragraph 545: In addition to the 750 thousand euros for 2020, 500 thousand euros are allocated for 2021 for the Portal for the History of the Italian Republic.
Pre-emption purchases for MiBACT. Paragraph 574: In order to enable the MiBACT to exercise its right to purchase cultural property by pre-emption pursuant to Article 60 of the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, an expenditure of 10 million euros for the year 2021, 15 million euros for the year 2022 and 5 million euros annually from the year 2023 is authorized.
Covid emergency fund for state museums. Paragraph 575: 25 million euros for the year 2021 and 20 for the year 2022, in addition to 165 for the year 2020, are allocated to reimburse state cultural venues from the lost revenue from ticket sales as a result of the adoption of the containment measures for the Covid emergency.
Culture bonus for 18-year-olds. Paragraph 576: The Culture Card for 18-year-olds also returns in 2021 and is funded with 150 million euros (compared to 190 million in 2020).
11 million for MiBACT’s investees. Paragraph 577: The expenditure authorization for the operation of legal entities created or participated in by MiBACT to strengthen the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, established by the 2018 Budget Law, is increased to 11 million per year for 2021 and 2022 (from 1 million).
1 million for small museums. Paragraph 578: The fund for the operation of small museums established by the Budget Law 2020 is increased by 1 million euros for the year 2021, to be allocated to the digitization of heritage as well as to the design of podcasts and exhibition routes functional to the enjoyment of works and the preparation of telematics teaching programs (e-learning).
Additional contribution for the Accessible Italian Books Foundation. Paragraph 579: In order to ensure access to and enjoyment of publishing products for all vulnerable groups, particularly the visually impaired, including through awareness-raising events, research on digital accessibility, training courses and consulting activities, an additional contribution of 100,000 euros is allocated for each of the years 2021 and 2022 in favor of the Accessible Italian Books Foundation (LIA). Beginning in the year 2023, the Foundation referred to in the first period shall be granted a contribution of 300,000 euros annually.
Eighth centenary of the first performance of the nativity scene. Paragraph 581: For the purposes of the national celebration, in the year 2023, of the eighth centenary of the first representation of the nativity scene, and to ensure the design and implementation of initiatives of international significance and resonance in the artistic, cultural and social spheres, 1,300,000 euros are allocated for each of the years 2021, 2022 and 2023 in favor of MiBACT, which establishes a national committee responsible for the initiatives to which the resources are allocated.
Establishment of the UNESCO National Observatory for Intangible Heritage. Paragraph 582: Due to the Covid-19 emergency and the restrictive measures adopted and in order to rationalize the interventions and activities for the protection and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage, by decree of the MiBACT, in agreement with the Minister of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies and the Minister of Economy and Finance, the National Observatory for the Intangible Heritage of UNESCO is established at the MiBACT. For this purpose, the expenditure of 500,000 euros annually from the year 2021 is authorized, which constitutes a maximum expenditure limit. The members of the Observatory are not entitled to indemnities, compensation, attendance fees or reimbursement of expenses. Any operating expenses of the aforementioned Observatory shall be provided for within the limit of the expenditure authorization referred to in the second period.
Cinema Fund Increase. Paragraph 583: The fund for cinema is audiovisual is increased, from 400 million to 640 million per year. Again, the maximum tax credit to film and audiovisual production companies is increased from 30 percent to 40 percent of the total production cost of the works. The tax credit for film and audiovisual distribution companies also experiences an increase in its maximum from 30 to 40 percent.
Istituto Luce becomes a spa. Paragraphs 585-587: As of January 1, 2021, Istituto Luce Cinecittà Srl is transformed into the joint stock company Istituto Luce Cinecittà Spa. The shares of Istituto Luce Cinecittà Spa are vested in the MEF and shareholder rights are exercised by MiBACT, in agreement with the MEF. Istituto Luce Cinecittà Spa is administered by a board of directors composed of five members, two of whom are appointed by the MEF, one of whom serves as chairman, designated in agreement with MiBACT, and three, one of whom serves as managing director, designated by MiBACT.
Rehabilitation of opera and symphony foundations. Paragraphs 589-591: Continues the rehabilitation plan for opera-symphony foundations with the postponement of the deadline for achieving economic balance to December 31, 2021.
Collaborative positions at the General Directorate for Performing Arts of MiBACT. Paragraph 592. In order to support the work of the extraordinary commissioner for reorganization in the arts and culture sector (Decree-Law No. 91 of August 8, 2013), the General Directorate of Performing Arts of the MiBACT may make collaborative appointments, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree No. 165 of March 30, 2001. 165, to persons with proven professional qualifications in the administrative and accounting management of entities or in the strategic planning of their activities, within the overall expenditure limit of 100,000 euros per year and for a maximum duration of twenty-four months and in any case with a final expiration date of December 31, 2022, extendable for an additional twelve months, in the event that the functions of the extraordinary commissioner are extended until December 31, 2023.
Accommodation Facilities Database. Paragraph 597: A database of accommodation facilities and properties intended for short-term rentals shall be established at MiBACT. The database shall collect and sort the information pertaining to the accommodation facilities and properties referred to in this paragraph. A decree of the MiBACT, to be adopted within sixty days from the date of entry into force of the Budget Law 2021, shall establish the procedures for the implementation and management of the database and the acquisition of regional identification codes, as well as the methods of access to the information contained therein.
Exemption of the first IMU installment for tourism. Paragraph 599: in view of the effects related to the Covid emergency, for the year 2021 the first installment of IMU is not due for properties used as seaside, lake and river bathing establishments, as well as properties of thermal establishments; real estate falling in the cadastral category D/2 and its appurtenances, real estate of agritourisms, tourist villages, youth hostels, mountain refuges, sea and mountain colonies, short-stay room rentals, vacation houses and apartments, bed and breakfasts, residences and campsites, provided that the relevant taxable persons are also managers of the activities exercised therein; real estate falling in cadastral category D in use by enterprises engaged in the business of setting up exhibition facilities as part of trade fairs or events; real estate intended for discotheques, dance halls, night clubs and the like, provided that the related taxable persons, as identified by Article 1, paragraph 743, of Law No. 160, are also operators of the activities exercised therein.
100 million for the travel agency fund, also extended to tourism businesses. Paragraph 603: Support fund for travel agencies and tour operators affected by Covid is financed with 100 million for 2021 and is also extended, more generically, to tourism and hospitality businesses.
Promotion of tourism through sports competitions. Paragraph 605: In order to enhance and promote the Italian territory, a fund with an endowment of 500,000 euros for each of the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, to be subsequently transferred to the budget of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, is established in the MEF’s budget state, to be used for the disbursement of contributions to the regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano for the organization of athletic, cycling and motor sports competitions of international importance that take place in the territory of at least two regions. The Minister for Youth Policy and Sports, by his own decree, shall define the manner of allocation of the fund’s resources.
Measures for access to information for low-income families. Paragraph 612: In order to support low-income households’ access to information services, on an experimental basis for the years 2021 and 2022, households with a value of the indicator of the equivalent economic situation of less than 20.000 euros who benefit from the voucher for the acquisition of ultra-broadband internet connection services and related electronic devices, an additional contribution, of the maximum amount of 100 euros, is granted in the form of a discount on the sale price of subscriptions to newspapers, magazines or periodicals, including in digital format, within the maximum limit of 25 million euros for each of the years 2021 and 2022. The subsidy can be used for purchases made online or at businesses that operate exclusively in the retail sale of newspapers, magazines and periodicals.
Fund for port cities affected by the decline in cruise tourism. Paragraph 734: A Fund is established in the budget of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with an allocation of €5 million for the year 2021, to be allocated as compensation to port cities that have suffered economic losses as a result of the decline in cruise tourism produced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation, by his own decree, in consultation with the MEF and MiBACT, to be adopted within sixty days of the effective date of this law, shall identify the criteria and modalities for the distribution of the Fund on the basis of the reduction in the number of passengers.
Anadditional 6 million per year for national parks. Paragraph 736: Resources for the management and operation of national parks already established, as well as to ensure the operation of new national parks to be established, are increased by 6 million per year from 2021.
3 million per year more for submerged parks. Paragraph 737: Resources for the management and operation of marine protected areas and submerged parks are increased by 3 million euros per year from 2021.
Increase for external appointments in superintendencies. Paragraph 928: Resources allocated last October for direct-call appointments in superintendencies are increased from 16 to 24 million euros, also extended from superintendencies to all MiBACT offices.
Option for museums to use Ales for supervision until 2025. Paragraph 930: MiBACT will be able to avail itself until December 31, 2025, of the company Ales spa for reception and supervision activities in institutes and places of culture. Expenditures of 5.1 million euros for this purpose are authorized for 2021, and 5.6 million euros for each year from 2022 to 2025.
Funds for external professional services in autonomous institutions. Paragraph 929: 1.5 million for 2021 and 1.5 million for 2022 are allocated for resources for autonomous institutes of the MiBACT that wish to make use of professional expertise or services in the management of cultural property in order to strengthen city museum systems and promote interaction and collaboration among state, regional and local institutes and places of culture.
Extension of fixed-term contracts in places of cultulra. Paragraph 932: In consideration of the effects resulting from the Covid emergency on cultural heritage, the extension for a maximum period of six months, within the spending limit of 500,000 euros for the year 2021, of fixed-term contracts entered into by institutes and places of culture pursuant to Article 8 of Decree-Law No. 83 of May 31, 2014, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 106 of July 29, 2014, is allowed, without prejudice to the limit of the maximum total duration of thirty-six months, including non-consecutive, of the same contracts.
In the photo: Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate. Ph. Credit Paul Hermans
Budget Law 2021 approved: the maneuver is law. Here are all the measures for culture |
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