Bronzino's Portrait of Laura Battiferri restored. It will fly to the U.S.

Completed the restoration of the Portrait of Laura Battiferri by Bronzino. The work is on its way to the United States.

The restoration, which lasted about five months, of Agnolo Bronzino ’s famous painting depicting Laura Battiferri, kept at the Museo di Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, has been completed

The work was carried out by the firm L’Officina del Restauro srl, under the Technical Direction of the City of Florence and the High Supervision of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Metropolitan City of Florence and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato, thanks to the support of Friends of Florence.

The work is leaving for the United States, where it will be among the protagonists of the exhibition dedicated to the Medici curated by Keith Christiansen and Carlo Falciani: it will open to the public on June 21, 2021 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

"After Verrocchio’s Putto, which was restored and then went all the way to Washington after being exhibited at Palazzo Strozzi," said City of Florence Councillor for Culture Tommaso Sacchi, "another work of extreme value, which has just been restored, is temporarily leaving Palazzo Vecchio to enrich an overseas exhibition, the show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York entitled The Medici. Portraits and Politics. 1512-1570. This is a fine recognition for our main civic museum and a signal of openness and internationalization of our collections at a time of global cultural revival after the pandemic. I thank Friends of Florence, which with its president Simonetta Brandolini d’Adda has always been at our side for the restoration and enhancement of our works of art."

“On behalf of the Superintendent Andrea Pessina,” added Lia Brunori, area officer for the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Metropolitan City and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato, "I express the warmest appreciation for this important restoration that restores full enjoyment to one of Bronzino’s most fascinating works. Once again Friends of Florence has generously enabled a happy result, the fruit of the fruitful collaboration between the City of Florence and the Soprintendenza with the contribution of the consolidated professionalism of restorers Lucia and Andrea Dori."

“We were delighted to accept Keith Christiansen and Carlo Falciani’s invitation to restore the beautiful portrait of Laura Battiferri by Agnolo Bronzino: an exceptional woman for her time and an example even today of intelligence and poetic knowledge,” stressed Simonetta Brandolini d’Adda President of Friends of Florence. "The exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is also an important opportunity for us to bring the work and mission of Friends of Florence even closer to our supporters. I therefore thank the curators, the City of Florence, the Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, and the Soprintendenza who have offered us this opportunity, and the restorers who carried out the work."

Image: Bronzino, Portrait of Laura Battiferri, detail of the face after restoration (c. 1555-1560; oil on panel; Florence, Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Loeser Donation)

Bronzino's Portrait of Laura Battiferri restored. It will fly to the U.S.
Bronzino's Portrait of Laura Battiferri restored. It will fly to the U.S.

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