Bonisoli announces at Hermitage a major exhibition dedicated to Pompeii

Cultural Heritage Minister Alberto Bonisoli announced a major exhibition on Pompeii during the opening of a selection of works from the MANN and Pompeii.

On the occasion of the Seventh International Forum on Culture in St. Petersburg, a selection of Pompeian masterpieces, a tribute to Italy and Naples, was inaugurated in the presence of Minister of Culture Alberto Bonisoli, Russian Deputy Minister of Culture Alla Manìlova, Hermitage State Museum director Michail Piotrovsky, Paolo Giulierini director of the MANN-National Archaeological Museum of Naples, and Massimo Osanna director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii. On display are eight works from the MANN in Naples and the Pompeii Archaeological Park in the Hermitage’s great hall of the Roman Patio: these announce the preview of the major exhibition dedicated to Pompeii entitled"Pompeii. Men, Gods and Heroes" to be held from April 5, 2019 at theHermitage in St. Petersburg. This major exhibition will feature more than 150 works including frescoes, statues, mosaics and everyday objects selected from the collections of the MANN and the Pompeii Archaeological Park to tell the story of the art, history and life of this ancient city: among them, the marbleHermas of Mercury and the mosaic of the Three Graces, both from the Temple of Apollo in Pompeii on loan from the MANN, the frescoes depicting Zeus Enthroned and Achilles and Briseis from the House of the Tragic Poet (MANN), the Dionysus and Ariadne and Alexander and Roxane from the House of the Bracelet of Gold-from the Archaeological Park of Pompeii-and the exceptional marble marquetry with Dionysian Scene resurfaced from the House of the Colored Capitals and preserved in the collections of the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.

Alberto Bonisoli said, "I am very pleased to have previewed the exhibition on Pompeii in the context of this extraordinary event of the Cultural Forum, where Italy in its capacity as Guest of Honor had the opportunity to be at the center of attention in a city that has very strong ties, including architectural ones, with our country.
I would like to thank the Russian government in the persons of Deputy Minister Manìlova and the Minister of Culture, Medìnsky, who offered Italy the opportunity to be present in this capacity, demonstrating the deep cultural relations between our two countries, which have always been extremely fruitful and positively projected into the future. As well as the director of the Hermitage Piotrovsky, a person who animated by deep love for our country and our culture has played and continues to play a fundamental role in making these relations more and more intense and qualified.
I am happy that at this time we can show unique works, and I am even more proud that this is happening at the Hermitage, a structure that sums up all of Russian history, so well represented in the masterpiece the Russian Ark 2002 by director Aleksander Sakùrov, where not only the splendor of this universal museum is highlighted but we are still impressed by the artistry of a film made in a single sequence plan. It is an immense pleasure to know that the Hermitage public from today can appreciate some of the masterpieces that will be the subject of the exhibition dedicated to Pompeii from next spring, such as the beautiful marble of the “Augustan Statue of Concord” and the very precious cameo glass with “Bacchus and Ariadne” without neglecting the bronzes, the crater from the House of Julius Polybius in Pompeii and the bust of Emperor Tiberius. And for this opportunity, I sincerely thank all the institutions and their representatives-from the directors of the MANN and the Archaeological Park of Pompeii-who have done their utmost for the realization of this exhibition event that allows us to learn even more deeply about the ancient history of my country and share it with you all."

Bonisoli announces at Hermitage a major exhibition dedicated to Pompeii
Bonisoli announces at Hermitage a major exhibition dedicated to Pompeii

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