Biennale, Anna Maria Maiolino and Nil Yalter awarded Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement

Anna Maria Maiolino and Nil Yalter were awarded Golden Lions for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice Biennale. Two migrant artists who embody the spirit of 'Strangers Everywhere,' the title of the international exhibition at the 2024 Biennale.

Anna Maria Maiolino and Nil Yalter have been awarded Golden Lions for Lifetime Achievement at the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, which this year will be curated by Adrian Pedrosa and will be titled Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Every where (meeting at Giardini and Arsenale from April 20 to November 24, 2024). The decision was approved by the Biennale Board of Directors chaired by Roberto Cicutto, upon the proposal of Adrian Pedrosa. The award ceremony and opening of the Biennale Arte 2024 will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Ca’ Giustinian, the headquarters of the Venice Biennale. The Exhibition will open to the public on the same day at 11 a.m.

This is Pedrosa’s motivation: "This decision is particularly significant in light of the title and framework of the Exhibition, which focuses on artists who have traveled and migrated between North and South, Europe and other countries, or vice versa. My choice, in this sense, falls on two extraordinary and pioneering artists, as well as migrants, who embody in many ways the spirit of Strangers Everywhere - Foreigners Everywhere: Anna Maria Maiolino (Scalea, Italy, 1942; lives in São Paulo, Brazil), who emigrated from Italy to South America, first to Venezuela and then to Brazil, where she lives today, and Nil Yalter (Cairo, Egypt, 1938; lives in Paris, France), a Turkish woman who moved from Cairo to Istanbul and finally to Paris, where she resides."

Both artists will participate in the Art Biennale for the first time in 2024: Maiolino with a new large-scale work that continues and develops her series of clay sculptures and installations; Yalter with a reconfiguration of her innovative installation Exile is a hard job, along with her work Topak Ev, placed in the first hall of the Central Pavilion.

Image: Anna Maria Maiolino, Beyond, performance. PAC 2019. Photo by Lorenzo Palmieri

Biennale, Anna Maria Maiolino and Nil Yalter awarded Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement
Biennale, Anna Maria Maiolino and Nil Yalter awarded Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement

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