Bergamo, an excellent 2023 for the Carrara Academy, with more than 130,000 visitors

Excellent numbers in 2023 for the Carrara Academy in Bergamo, which ends the year with 12 exhibitions, 130,000 visitors and generally positive results.

Significant results in 2023 for Bergamo’sCarrara Academy : the Lombard city, Italian Capital of Culture 2023 along with Brescia, has seen its main museum of ancient art achieve excellent results after the total refurbishment of the museum, with 12 exhibitions opened in 8 months and remarkable public results. More than 130,000 people (80% Italians, 20% foreigners) have chosen to visit the “new” Carrara with its proposals, plus there have been more than 2,500 published articles, good participation in educational activities, and important numbers also for collaborations with Italian and foreign institutions, publishing projects, research, conservation, restoration, communication, inclusion and reception activities.

Coming to the numbers, as mentioned there were 12 exhibitions organized and 6 catalogs published. The exhibitions brought 235 works by 65 authors to the Carrara Academy. Outgoing, on the other hand, left 84 works on loan. Museum projects involved 29 national and international institutions, including Palazzo Reale, Milan; Gallerie d’Italia, Milan; Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome; Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice; The Royal Castle, Warsaw; and Alte Pinakothek, Munich.

In terms of activities, there were 430 classes from schools of all levels visiting the museum, which carried out 341 activities including guided tours and workshops for schools. There were also 9 weeks of summer camp with 60 children per week, for a total of 270 children

1,418, on the other hand, adult groups and 300 appointments for a total of 4,000 participants including guided tours, paths for fragile people or people with disabilities, and activities for families, as well as 5 cultural welfare projects with 30 educators and museum guides involved for 51 appointments held.

The Carrara Academy also hosted 4 book presentations, 3 study days, 67 private events, 30 events open to the public (including concerts, special visits and collaborations), and also stood out for the 7 excursions of the cycle La Carrara in alta quota with the 2,328 meters of altitude reached at Rifugio Nani Tagliaferri - Bellini, the 8 appointments of the Pop Up project in collaboration with Oriocenter and the 3 appointments with Estate in Carrara. There were 47 private companies that supported Carrara, and the collaborations also led to the creation of 4 Carrara Family products made in collaboration (Panettone Italo Vezzoli, Biscotto Bigio, Vino Rosso Capitale Caminella, Bresciani Socks).

In terms of communication, Carrara reached 12,579,005 unique users through social channels Instagram and Facebook, and recorded 104,419 total followers between Instagram and Facebook social channels and 9,233 new Instagram followers (totaling more than 74 thousand). 15 press meetings organized, and 80 communications sent to the press, resulting in more than 2,500 articles published

An important year, therefore, that coincided with the last of Maria Cristina Rodeschini’s directorship (in office until Jan. 30, 2024), who bids farewell to her Accademia Carrara, the institute noted in a note, “at its best, leaving behind a museum strongly connected to Bergamo and its territory, as well as known and loved around the world, not only for its extraordinary collection but also for its ability to be open and hospitable to all audiences. An institution in which the quality of proposals-according to M. Cristina Rodeschini’s idea-must always be accompanied by public function and civic engagement. A Carrara, again according to the director’s vision, capable of transforming itself, being flexible and creating relationships with society, in light of the cultural and beauty values it carries and its extraordinary potential: a museum attentive to change and sensitive.”

Bergamo, an excellent 2023 for the Carrara Academy, with more than 130,000 visitors
Bergamo, an excellent 2023 for the Carrara Academy, with more than 130,000 visitors

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