Aversa, Campania's Renaissance masterpiece abandoned in total disrepair

In Aversa, the altar sculpture group of the Church of the Magdalene, an important Renaissance work by Giovanni da Nola and Giovanni Domenico D'Auria, is abandoned in total disrepair. A local association denounces this.

In Aversa, a town in Campania between Caserta and Naples, the heritage of the ancient Church of the Magdalene is at risk. It is denounced by the“In Octabo” Association, which is involved in tourism and cultural promotion in the area. The church, which was founded together with the convent in the 13th century, preserves some very valuable works including thehigh altar decorated with an important marble sculptural apparatus, with the Madonna and Child in the center and statues of Saints Peter and Paul at the sides, housed within two niches. The group is attributed to two great sculptors of the Campania Renaissance, Giovanni da Nola (Giovanni Merliano; Nola, 1488 - Naples, 1558) and his pupil Giovanni Domenico D’Auria (? - 1573).

It is precisely the sculptures of the high altar, according to the association, that are at risk: in fact, “In Octabo” posted on its Facebook page some pictures showing the statue of St. Paul disassembled from its niche and lying on the ground. “You all know in what conditions of abandonment and degradation the whole complex pours, but these photos denounce a serious danger to our artistic heritage,” the association writes. “As you can see, the statue of St. Paul that was placed in the niche on the right is no longer there, it is lying supine on the ground just ahead. It is evident that someone has begun to dismantle the altar in order to steal it when conditions are favorable, perhaps taking advantage of the summer vacations during which the city empties. We must prevent this by all means; it is a true masterpiece, the work of Giovanni da Nola and Giovan Domenico D’Auria. We have alerted those in charge at the highest levels, but it is up to each of us citizens to be vigilant so that this havoc does not happen. Be on the alert.”

From the photos, however, one can see how the whole church is pouring in a state of absolute neglect, including garbage, plants growing inside the buildings, detaching debris. It is clear that the Aversan heritage needs to be treated better.

Pictured: the condition of the altar. Image by Nicola Baldieri

Aversa, Campania's Renaissance masterpiece abandoned in total disrepair
Aversa, Campania's Renaissance masterpiece abandoned in total disrepair

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