At Ground Zero, a new marble-covered building dedicated to performing arts

The Perelman Performing Arts Center, a huge marble-covered cube structure dedicated to the performing arts, has risen at Ground Zero to bring theater, music, opera, dance and film to the World Trade Center site.

A new building has risen at Ground Zero: the Perelman Performing Arts Center (PAC NYC), a huge cube-shaped structure dedicated to the performing arts that will bring theater, music, opera, dance and film to the World Trade Center site. On Monday, September 19, 2023, it will open its doors for its first public performance.

The building was already envisioned twenty years ago, when Mike Bloomberg, then mayor of New York City, included a performing arts center in the plan to rebuild the World Trade Center site after 9/11. It is in fact the last public building constructed at Ground Zero.

Designed by architecture firm REX, the Perelman Performing Arts Center is named after Ronald O.Perelman, entrepreneur and philanthropist. It is wrapped in nearly five thousand marble tiles on insulated glass units. The marble was rendered in an open stain to create a biaxial symmetry pattern identical on all four sides of the building. The marble facade allows light to radiate during the day and shine through during the evening.

David Rockwell and his architectural firm Rockwell Group instead designed the atrium, restaurant, and terrace.

Photo by Iwan Baan.

At Ground Zero, a new marble-covered building dedicated to performing arts
At Ground Zero, a new marble-covered building dedicated to performing arts

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