Alberto Angela Our heritage is extraordinary and we have a duty to protect and enhance it

Alberto Angela's introductory speech to the four evenings dedicated to discovering Italy's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Yesterday evening, Tuesday, March 12, the program Wonders - The Peninsula of Treasures hosted by Alberto Angela kicked off, which intends to recount, accompanied by extraordinary footage, the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Italy.

In the first evening of the total of four, viewers were able to discover the beauties of the city of Mantua, in particular the famous Camera degli Sposi (Wedding Chamber ) inside the Castle of San Giorgio and the interiors and exteriors of Palazzo Te, Piazza Navona in Rome with Gian Lorenzo Bernini ’s Fountain of Rivers, and finally the Amalfi Coast, lingering on the Cathedral of St. Andrew and the Cloister of Paradise in Amalfi and the Underwater Archaeological Park in Baia.

The journey through the wonders of Italy was introduced by Alberto Angela as follows, “We are about to begin a great journey through the wonders of Italy. They are many, scattered a bit everywhere in our territory: they can be villages, towers, bell towers, landscapes, small alleys with atmospheres that make us dream. In fact, we could compare this heritage of ours almost to a meadow, to a forest to be traversed with its scents, with its atmospheres, with its colors, or perhaps we could also compare this heritage of ours to a great fresco, to a great painting made by each generation over the centuries. Each generation, almost as if it were a great artist, has wanted to make something: a face, a castle, a village, the sky, a landscape, and the whole, although made with different brushstrokes, different hues, manages to come together in an incredible harmony. A harmony that was made each time with the utmost pride to best represent the concept of beauty of that era, but the whole represents our identity, our way of thinking, laughing, crying, living. Of course, we know the difficulties of our country, we also know the flaws in this picture that need to be repaired, but the whole represents an extraordinary heritage that we have a duty to preserve, protect, enhance, and then, finally, give to the next generations so that they can marvel just as we can.”

Alberto Angela Our heritage is extraordinary and we have a duty to protect and enhance it
Alberto Angela Our heritage is extraordinary and we have a duty to protect and enhance it

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