Adopt a Museum: MiBACT and ICOM sign agreement for earthquake-affected museums

The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and ICOM Italy are launching Adopt a Museum, a project to support earthquake-affected museums in Lazio, Umbria and Marche.

The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism has signed a collaboration agreement with ICOM Italia to implement the Adopt-a-Museum project to help museums in the areas of Lazio, Marche and Umbria affected by the 2016 earthquake. The project continues the crowdfunding campaign of the same name launched a few months ago by ICOM Italia and still open online at GoFundMe. The protocol was signed by the secretary general of MiBACT, Carla Di Francesco, and the president of ICOM Italia, Tiziana Maffei. The agreement involves making offers of financial and service assistance available to affected museums to support projects for the restoration and enhancement of damaged cultural property, the restoration and recovery of museum facilities, the support of museum activities and the resumption of their services, and the enhancement of the territories of reference.

The projects, reads a note, “are not aimed solely at the recovery of assets, but are intended to develop skills, create networks of relationships, strengthen the role of museums in the territories, and above all intervene with programs that in the immediate term produce cultural experiences and moments of aggregation and social cohesion, and in the medium and long term develop projects attentive to the theme of heritage preservation, sustainable management of museums, and community participation.” A special steering committee will acquire applications and offers of support, finalize the projects and follow up their implementation: the steering committee will be attended by the superintendent and the director of the Museum Pole of the region involved from time to time, while for ICOM Italy the president of the Collegio dei Probi Viri, Giuliana Ericani, and the regional coordinator of the region involved will participate.

Adopt a Museum: MiBACT and ICOM sign agreement for earthquake-affected museums
Adopt a Museum: MiBACT and ICOM sign agreement for earthquake-affected museums

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