A step forward for self-employed entertainment workers: ALAS, unemployment benefits, kicks off

ALAS, unemployment benefits for self-employed workers in the performing arts, kicks off. "A step forward in the implementation of the new welfare of the performing arts," commented Dario Franceschini.

ALAS, theunemployment benefit for self-employed workers in the performing arts, comes into effect. "Yet another step forward in theimplementation of the new welfare of the performing arts," said Culture Minister Dario Franceschini. “Thanks to the efforts of the Inps and the Ministry of Labor, Alas, the new insurance allowance for involuntary unemployment for self-employed workers in the performing arts, which was defined by the Ministry of Culture after careful listening and discussion with trade unions and trade associations, finally comes into effect. This new measure has been awaited for years and fills a gap for many categories in the arts and entertainment that have been severely affected by the effects of the pandemic.”

The new protection, implemented at the urging of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, is aimed at specifically identified self-employed workers in the performing arts sector for involuntary unemployment provided for involuntary termination events as of January 1, 2022, introduced by the support-bis decree (Article 66 of Decree-Law No. 73 of May 25, 2021, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 106 of July 23, 2021).

Disbursed for a maximum of six monthly payments, the unemployment benefit amounts to 75 percent of the average monthly income (calculated in relation to the taxable income for social security purposes for the year in which the last self-employment relationship ended and the previous year, times the number of months of contribution, or fractions thereof, present in the same observation period). You can apply online at the Institute’s website www.INPS.it with access already active for users.

Recipients of the new ALAS allowance are specifically self-employed workers who perform artistic or technical activities on a fixed-term basis, directly related to the production and production of shows (Article 2, paragraph 1, lett. a), of Legislative Decree no. 182/1997), as well as fixed-term self-employed workers who perform activities outside the cases referred to in Article 2, paragraph 1, lett. a), and self-employed workers “performing musical activities” referred to in Article 3, paragraph 98, of Law no. 350 who do not have ongoing, at the date of submission of the application, employment relationships of any type both self-employed (including collaborative relationships) and subordinate (fixed-term and/or indefinite); who are not beneficiaries, at the date of commencement of the benefit and during the entire period of receipt of the benefit, of direct pension treatments, as well as of the APE sociale; who are not beneficiaries, at the date of commencement of the benefit and during theentire period of receipt of the benefit, of citizenship income; who have accrued, since January 1 of the year preceding the termination of the last self-employment relationship at least fifteen days of contributions paid or credited to the Performing Arts Workers’ Pension Fund, including any imputed or credited contributions for periods of maternity; who have, in the year preceding the submission of the application, an income not exceeding 35.000 euros.

At this link more information on how to apply for the allowance.

A step forward for self-employed entertainment workers: ALAS, unemployment benefits, kicks off
A step forward for self-employed entertainment workers: ALAS, unemployment benefits, kicks off

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