A fresco at Villa Sora gives way. Emergency intervention by the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum.

Emergency intervention by Herculaneum Archaeological Park officials for the subsidence of a fresco at Villa Sora.

A subsidence of a fresco has occurred at Villa Sora: officials of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park, who have been engaged since the Villa was assigned to the Park’s jurisdiction in planning the restoration and enhancement of the property and in the forefront of the necessary emergency interventions, immediately intervened.

“The subsidence turns the spotlight on a current issue that affects the entire territory of the Gulf of Naples and is the seismic swarm that affects us on a daily basis,” said Herculaneum Archaeological Park director Francesco Sirano, “on which the Park is particularly attentive, we cannot exclude that the collapse is due precisely to such phenomena, which are added to the stresses that the different changes in the climatic scenario also determine on the cultural heritage. Ensuring the safety of the heritage and of all those who experience it, from workers to visitors, is one of the main guidelines of our work, in a process of continuous improvement and adaptation to environmental circumstances and contextual elements, for example, the interventions for the installation of defibrillators in the Herculaneum Park are recent” . “We interpret with pride,” he added, “the recent assignment of the Villa to the heritage of our Park’s jurisdiction, as we have been accustomed to for some time now the territory is our constant reference in network building, and therefore also in this case one of our orientations is the creation of a territorial networking of synergies with all the institutions, associations, stakeholders, which over time have already expressed their love for cultural heritage, such as the City of Torre del Greco and Archeoclub, ready to be protagonists in the activation of positive forces for the maintenance and enhancement of culture.”

A fresco at Villa Sora gives way. Emergency intervention by the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum.
A fresco at Villa Sora gives way. Emergency intervention by the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum.

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