The Art Masterpieces of the Corriere della Sera: a new publishing initiative for art lovers

From August 28, the Corriere della Sera's Masterpieces of Art will be released: an interesting new publishing initiative intended for all art lovers with volumes on the greatest masterpieces.

From next August 28 on newsstands we will have a new publishing initiative dedicated to art. In fact, Corriere della Sera is preparing to launch the series I Capolavori dell’arte: a collection of 35 monographs that will delve into 35 great masterpieces of art history of all times. The first issue will be attached to the Corriere just on Thursday, August 28, and will be launched at the symbolic price of one euro. However, subsequent issues will also have a very affordable cost: 5.90 for each volume.

I Capolavori dell'arte

It will start with one of the world’s best-known works: the Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli preserved in the Uffizi. The volume that will come out as a supplement with Corriere will therefore represent an interesting opportunity to learn more about this masterpiece of our Renaissance: to better contextualize it, the book will tell us not only about the work and its possible meanings, but also about the artist’s life and historical context (the Florence of Lorenzo the Magnificent). The volume will be closed by a critical anthology with contributions from the greatest art historians of all times: in fact, the series will propose excerpts by Giulio Carlo Argan, Roberto Longhi, Bernard Berenson, Carlo Levi, Ernst Gombrich and many others... without forgetting, of course, the writings of the artists themselves that will complete the critical apparatus of the volumes.

I Capolavori dell'arte

The book on Botticelli is written by a diverse team of scholars and experts in art history, beginning with Alessandro Cecchi, one of the foremost experts on the art of Sandro Botticelli with numerous publications on the Florentine painter to his credit, as well as director of the Palatina Gallery of Palazzo Pitti in Florence, and Daniela Parenti, director of the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance painting department of the Uffizi Gallery. The volume is introduced by renowned popularizer Philippe Daverio, who will edit the prefaces to all The Masterpieces of Art.

Each book in the series is of course illustrated with high-quality images and consists of 96 pages. You will be able to find the volumes on newsstands every Thursday: subsequent releases are already scheduled, for example, the second one will tell us about the famous Basket of Fruit by Michelangelo Merisi better known as Caravaggio (and will be released on September 4). Then it will be the turn of Philippe-Auguste Renoir and his Dance at the Moulin de la Galette (Sept. 11), and then again Michelangelo Buonarroti ’s Tondo Doni (Sept. 18), Vincent Van Gogh ’s Sunflowers (Sept. 25), Jan Vermeer ’s The Lacemaker (Oct. 2), Gustav Klimt ’s The Three Ages (Oct. 9), and Piero della Francesca ’s Sacred Conversation (also known as the Montefeltro Altarpiece, the one in short kept at the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan) (Oct. 16). This will be followed by works by the greatest artists of all eras: from Leonardo to Giambattista Tiepolo via Beato Angelico, Giotto, Nicolas Poussin, Canaletto, Egon Schiele, Masaccio, Duccio di Buoninsegna... in short, there really is something for everyone!

The initiative promises to be interesting also due to the fact that the books will have a popular slant and will be offered to the public in a clear and suitable language to make the works of art better understood. For those who would like to purchase the volumes immediately, Corriere della Sera is giving the opportunity to buy them on its online store. Just click here to go to the site.

Those who would like to have an exclusive preview of the book on botticelli can click on this link to download some pages in PDF format.

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