May 21: Night of Museums in the art cities of the Po Valley

The European Night of Museums will be held on May 21, and the City of Art Circuit of the Po Valley is preparing with a series of many interesting events.

Seven cities, two regions, dozens of events: the Po Valley City of Art Circuit is also joining the European Night of Museums (which is celebrated on Saturday, May 21) with a series of events and initiatives that will provide the public with an extra opportunity to attend the cultural heritage of seven of the ten cities that are members of the Circuit. These are interesting initiatives aimed at a diverse audience: for city dwellers it will be a way to rediscover a museum, to spend an evening at cultural venues close to home, to hear a new story about a collection, to learn about perhaps lesser-known aspects of local history. Tourists, on the other hand, will have the opportunity to discover cities that really have a lot to offer in terms of art, history, and culture.

From Emilia Romagna, with Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma and Piacenza, to Lombardy with Cremona, Brescia and Pavia, the program is very rich and unravels through museums, historic palaces, theaters and, of course, in the streets. Special openings, guided tours, concerts, lectures, special events dedicated to children: you can really find everything! So we provide below, city by city, the main events, and we refer you to the official website of the circuit to learn more, and of course to the complete programs of each individual city, which we link below, to know the most interesting event for you!

Reggio Emilia(full program)

  • Palazzo dei Musei: special opening with hours 19:00 - 02:00. For the occasion, the Palace will host focus on ethnographic collections, with projections from the historical archive of private films, and will offer an assisted visit to the Regium Lepidi 3D Hall, a virtual reconstruction of Roman Reggio Emilia at the time of its greatest expansion in the first century AD. Visitors will thus have the opportunity to take a “virtual walk” through modern virtual reality technologies into the Reggio of two millennia ago.
  • Parmeggiani Gallery, Tricolor Museum, Museum of the Temple of the Blessed Virgin of the Ghiara: exhibitions and free guided tours.

Reggio Emilia, Palazzo dei Musei
Reggio Emilia, Palace of Museums

Modena(full program)

  • Palazzo dei Musei, Planetarium, Cathedral Museums, University Museums and many other places: lectures, guided tours, exhibition openings, aperitifs, educational workshops for children as part of Nessun dorma, title given to the white night.
  • Piazza Grande: 11:30 pm, free concert by Luca Carboni.

Modena, Piazza Grande
Modena, Piazza Grande

Parma(full program)

  • Complesso della Pilotta (National Gallery, Teatro Farnese, Archaeological Museum: special openings and 1 euro admission.
  • Castello dei Burattini: “Night of the Puppets,” special tour to introduce visitors to the world of puppets.
  • Stuard Picture Gallery and San Ludovico Gallery: special opening until midnight and guided tours.
  • Botanical Garden and Museum of Natural History: special opening until 6 p.m. and event A Hotel for Insects (5 p.m.).
  • House of Music: free admission.

Parma, Castello dei Burattini
Parma, Castello dei Burattini

Piacenza(full program)

  • Musei Civici di Palazzo Farnese: special opening until midnight and Momenti d’arte event, special guided tours of the collections (full program on museum website).
  • Ricci-Oddi Gallery and Cathedral Museum: exhibitions, lectures, readings, workshops for children, art installations.
  • Alberoni College Meteorological Observatory: lecture on climate change by meteorologist Luca Mercalli (8:45 p.m., Sala degli Arazzi).

Piacenza, Galleria Ricci Oddi
Piacenza, Ricci Oddi Gallery


  • Musei Civici del Castello Visconteo: special opening until 11:30 p.m., inauguration of the new display of the Morone Collection (9:30 p.m.), opening of the Gipsoteca, Museo del Risorgimento, the Romanesque section, the Quadreria dell’Ottocento and the Ghiolini Archive, exhibition of paintings from private collections and opening of the Ken Scott and Giancarlo Zompì exhibition. Color in Furniture (1960 - 2016).

Pavia, Castello Visconteo
Pavia, Castello Visconteo

Brescia(full program

  • Throughout the city: concerts and extraordinary opening of museums and stores until 01:00 am on the occasion of the departure of the Millemiglia (the event, for the occasion, will be titled Mille Miglia The Night).
  • Santa Giulia Museum: special opening until midnight of the exhibition Christo and Jeanne Claude. Water Project.
  • Palazzo Martinengo: special opening until midnight of the exhibition The Splendor of Venice. Canaletto, Bellotti, Guardi and the vedutisti dell800.
  • Piazza della Loggia: 10:30 pm, concert by Enrico Ruggeri.

Brescia, Millemiglia
Brescia, Millemiglia

Cremona(full program

  • Museo Civico: Night of Notes event with special concerts and guided tours, plus a performance by musician Paolo Schianchi with his 49-string guitar.
  • Museo del Violino and Auditorium Arvedi: special opening until midnight, musical performances and guided tours.

Cremona, Auditorium Arvedi
Cremona, Auditorium Arvedi

Article sponsored by Circuito Città d’Arte della Pianura Padana.

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.